“Dis/sonance” by Valériane San Felice, a chilling book

“Dis/sonance” by Valériane San Felice, a chilling book
“Dis/sonance” by Valériane San Felice, a chilling book

The literary season will be rich this year in Vendômois. And DissonanceValériane San Felice’s new novel risks getting a lot of attention, as the themes it addresses are so sensitive and revolting. It is difficult to talk in detail about this chillingly realistic fiction, without harming the suspense of the work. But if the author imagined a totally original scenario and decided to place this adventure in Japan, the fact remains that she was nourished by sometimes unbearable testimonies. “ Originally, I intended to tell a story revolving around certain psychiatric disorders. I researched and viewed various documents. One of them was like a slap in the face and triggered in me an urge to write », explains Valériane.

Readers will thus follow the wanderings and questions of Bastien, struck by amnesia, unable to remember what he did five days previously, and of the mysterious Oswald, preparing a revenge for which we know nothing of the reasons at the beginning of the novel. Around ten characters with strange and disturbing intentions are also there…

In this book which denounces the darkest sides of the human soul, the content is sometimes explicit and the story threads are complex, taking their time to reveal themselves little by little. Not recommended for the faint of heart.

“Dis/sonance” by Valériane San Félice, self-publishing, 210 pages, €15.



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