Mona Chollet and Valérie Perrin on the rise – Libération

Mona Chollet and Valérie Perrin on the rise – Libération
Mona Chollet and Valérie Perrin on the rise – Libération

Every Saturday, an update on the public’s favorite works.

In a notably equal ranking, two authors land on the podium. The first is called Mona Chollet and her book dedicated to guilt evokes all “these impediments to existing” which poison the lives of women. Could the essayist one day publish a novel? Weekly Books asked him the question. Answer : “I would love to write fiction, but so far my attempts have never been very successful.” Should we see this as a form of self-sabotage symptomatic of this “enemy within” what is she talking about? The other newcomer of the week is called Valérie Perrin and fiction is, on the contrary, completely her thing. His latest novel has a circulation of 200,000 copies. It’s colossal, but know that Three (2021) has sold 488,000 copies in paperback. “This is my most ambitious book, she said of Tata In the Parisian. The one for which I took the most risk. I am strong from the success of my previous ones and the love of readers. Zero guilt, top confidence. T.St.

Source : Datalib and Adelc, according to a panel of 343 independent first-level bookstores. Ranking of new releases noted (excluding pocket, school, guides, games, etc.) out of a total of 93,616 different titles.



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