which support is the most ecological?

which support is the most ecological?
which support is the most ecological?

At a time when every gesture counts for the planet, the choice between an electronic e-reader and a paper book no longer comes down to just a question of personal preference. Behind this dilemma lies environmental issues often overlooked: those of the ecological footprint.

As part of its “Green Matches” video series presented by ecological content creator bee.greener and produced in partnership with the Ecological Transition Agency (ADEME), ID therefore explored the following question: what is which is more ecological between the paper book and the e-reader?

The less polluting paper book?

Note firstly that the purchase of an e-reader does not really become advantageous on the ecological plan only if you exceed the threshold of 50 books read. A gap that widens even further when we turn to second-hand books, whose environmental impact is much lower.

More broadly, to determine which of the two supports offers the most ecological use, it is essential to compare the complete life cycle of the e-reader and the paper book, taking into account each stage, from manufacturing to use, until the end of life.

Taking reading habits into account

The e-reader has a significant environmental cost. Indeed, its manufacturing mobilizes significant resources in energy and materials, to which are added the impacts linked to its distribution, its electricity consumption, the downloading of digital books, as well as the management of its end of life. life, often complex.

The paper bookfor its part, consumes natural resources, notably wood, and its production process emits CO2. In conclusion, for an occasional reader, reading a 300-page book on paper leaves a carbon footprint approximately ten times lower than reading the same book on an e-reader or tablet.

In partnership with ADEME.



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