“Workers, artisans of beauty according to Caillebotte”, the new book by Dominique Auzel

“Workers, artisans of beauty according to Caillebotte”, the new book by Dominique Auzel

the essential
Originally from Marcillac, author of numerous books on the history and aesthetics of cinema, Dominique Auzel runs the Toulouse publishing house Privat. This former film professor and curator of the Toulouse cinematheque, linchpin of the Espace Georges-Rouquier in Goutrens has just published “Ouvriers, artisan du beau selon Caillebotte”.

In this year of celebration of the 150th anniversary of Impressionism and the 130th anniversary of the death of the painter Gustave Caillebotte, Dominique Auzel from Aveyron has just published at the end of August “Ouvriers, artisans du beau selon Caillebotte” (published by Ateliers Henry Dougier; 110 pages, €13.90) in the collection “Le Roman d’un chef-d’œuvre”.

A new exercise for this native of Marcillac who developed his passion for cinema by creating a film club in Vallon at the age of 15, before scouring the dark rooms of Decazeville with another cinema enthusiast – the screenwriter and writer Alain Layrac – during their high school years at the Polyvalent where Miss Steinberg, a French and philosophy teacher, lit the flame of the cultural creative imagination.

Dominique Auzel has devoted his life to cinema: with a master’s degree in art history, a DEA in modern literature and a doctorate in film studies, he taught film history in Montreal, Canada, then at the University of Toulouse II. He is also the author of numerous works on the history and aesthetics of cinema. In particular, several books on François Truffaut; Alfred Hitchcock, Georges Rouquier, Emile Reynaud…

Dominique Auzel was also curator of the Toulouse film library from 2014 to 2018; but also editorial director at the youth publisher Milan and since 2018 he has been managing the Toulouse publishing house Privat. In Aveyron, he chaired for a time the Georges-Rouquier association (which manages the eponymous space in Goutrens) of which he was also treasurer, and he is still a member of the board of directors.

Spotlight on “The Floor Planers”

The collection “The Novel of a Masterpiece” brings together novels written around a work. “A novel nourished by reality”, underlines Dominique Auzel.

With “Workers, artisans of beauty according to Caillebotte”, the Aveyronnais shines the spotlight on “The Floor Planers” by Gustave Caillebotte. “This painting has always intrigued me, I remember seeing it with my grandfather. A somewhat photographic or cinematographic framing. This is the first time I have written about a painter.

From the characters and objects in the painting and after investigating, I imagined telling a plausible story. By exploring Caillebotte’s life, I realized that it was not only the artist who had made this painting or others, but that he was also an astonishing character, a philatelist, a regatta sailor, and a cultivator of exotic plants.

He allowed many Impressionist artists to survive, by paying for the studios of some, upon his death, he left a legacy of 70 paintings to the Musée d’Orsay; which put Impressionism on the front of the stage, and to be recognized.

The Musée d’Orsay will also organize a major exhibition on Gustave Caillebotte, from October 8 to January 19, 2025. Gustave Caillebotte shows the Paris that is changing with Haussmannian Paris, which is advancing a new architecture. His characters are a little solitary; not prisoners of their space but very contemplative,” explains Dominique Auzel.

In addition to promoting his book through meetings, conferences and signings, Dominique Auzel is already thinking about his next book on another painter and then again on Hitchcock.
Not forgetting another major project: “I don’t have any children. I want to dedicate the family home to culture, even after my death. To make it a place of residence for artists, writers, concerts… I feel indebted to the fact that this place remains as beautiful as ever. I’m going to start some renovations and restorations. I’m going to look for help from local authorities because the goal is to open it to the public one day.”

Meetings, conferences and dedications

Several meetings, conferences and dedications with Dominique Auzel are already scheduled for “Workers, artisans of beauty according to Caillebotte”:

  • September 28 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Hôtel des Fleurines in Villefranche-de-Rouergue with the “La Folle Avoine” bookstore.
  • On October 1, at the Hôtel d’Assézat in Toulouse, with the Bemberg Foundation and the Ombres blanches bookstore.
  • October 4 at the Oxymore bookstore in Port-Vendres, in conjunction with the Collioure museum.
  • On the evening of October 11, conference and book signings at La Doline in Sébazac-Concourès. Evening organized with La Maison du Livre de Rodez.
  • October 12 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., at the Maison du Livre in Rodez.
  • Other events are planned in Paris in October (dates not yet set): conference and book signings with the Amicale des Aveyronnais de Paris, book signings in Parisian bookstores and at the Maison Caillebotte.
  • November 6 at 5:30 p.m. at the Sauramps bookstore in Montpellier.
  • An event is also planned for early 2025 at the Goya Museum in Castres.

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