Do you still have sufficient knowledge of the Highway Code? Test your knowledge

Do you still have sufficient knowledge of the Highway Code? Test your knowledge

@Andraz Lazic

On the occasion of Mobility Week, the Walloon Agency for Road Safety (AWSR) invites businesses and citizens to update their knowledge of the Highway Code through the “Road Quiz”. A fun challenge that aims to promote safety when traveling between home and work, the AWSR announced in a press release on Monday.

According to figures from the insurer Axa, almost one in five work accidents (17%) occurred on the way to work in 2023. With sometimes serious consequences for workers and companies, since these accidents are on average more serious in terms of work stoppage.

“While the average length of absence for a work accident was 20 days in 2023, it was 28 days for those occurring on the way to work”the insurer emphasizes.

Through the “Road Quiz”, the AWSR wants to raise awareness among companies and their employees about travel safety. To date, more than 140 Walloon companies have already registered, according to the AWSR, which hopes to convince around 400 as it does every year.

At the end of the game, participating companies will receive a special report that they can use as an internal awareness tool. Workers, for their part, play for the windfall of public gifts.

Starting this Monday, the game is also accessible free of charge to citizens. Enough to allow all users to refresh their knowledge.

In concrete terms, the quiz includes around a hundred questions on road safety, the Highway Code and mobility. Each participant is invited to answer 10 multiple-choice questions. The response time per question is limited and the result is immediate. The correct answer and some explanations are automatically displayed.

Until October 16, everyone can try their luck as many times as they want, new questions will be systematically proposed.

To motivate as many users as possible to participate, many prizes are up for grabs, including an electric bike, driving courses, gift vouchers for sports stores and cinema tickets. Participants who obtain a score of 7/10 will be able to enter a draw to try to win one of these 200 prizes.

According to an AWSR survey, only 46% of Walloon drivers believe that they would pass their theoretical test if they had to retake it without prior revision.

The game, sponsored by comedian and radio columnist Jérôme de Warzée, a former driving instructor, will end on October 16.

Test your knowledge and play on


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