Michel Denisot sobbed while talking about the death of his friend Didier Roustan (VIDEO)

Michel Denisot sobbed while talking about the death of his friend Didier Roustan (VIDEO)

Michel Denisot was on Europe 1 this Wednesday, September 11, to discuss the death, which occurred this very morning, of his friend Didier Roustan. Deeply affected, the 79-year-old journalist had a hard time expressing himself in front of Pascal Praud.

The news sent shockwaves through the world of sports journalism. This Wednesday morning, Didier Roustan passed away from cancer that was recently detected. His death brought mourning to many French people on September 11, since the 66-year-old had spent most of his life presenting programs of this type, commentating or debating football on television. During the Maradona decade – of which he was a fan – the young man, then in his twenties, formed a tandem with a certain Michel Denisot on the small screen.

Michel Denisot holds back tears on air as he talks about his friendship with Didier Roustan

“He was one of your friends.”Pascal Praud very clearly points out in his show today on Europe 1 when he addresses his guest. The latter is none other than Michel Denisot who is one of the first in the field to have spoken out loud, and therefore with a lot of emotion, on the disappearance of Didier Roustan. He first confirms: Yes, we had a very strong bond. I find it very difficult to talk about him now.. Struggling to speak again because of his Sobbing, the 79-year-old presenter pauses for a moment before continuing: “I knew him mainly at TF1, he then came to Canal+. But at TF1, we were very close. We formed a duo of commentators for several years. We also did this famous Euro with the France-Portugal match. There was also a special bond [parce que] When we work in our professions, we spend a lot of time together, often more than with our families. And so, we were close, there was real affection (…) it’s very difficult today.

Michel Denisot remembers his teasing subjects with Didier Roustan

The man who embodied (and had) a certain vision of football received a shower of distinguished tributes from his many upset colleagues. The former figure of the Grand Journal adds his own to the long list by analyzing: “He loved Cantonahe loved Maradona, he liked players of this style, this style of players and this style of humans. (…) He was very attached to the football of yesteryear rather than that of today. We used to tease each other about it, he was driven by a passion for the game (…) he had a phenomenal memory of the very great players of all eras since the 1980s. He was a bit nostalgic about that, football was his whole life.”


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