Narin’s dead body found – Last Minute News

Narin’s dead body found – Last Minute News

The lifeless body of 8-year-old Narin Güran, who had been missing since August 21 in the Bağlar district of Diyarbakır, was found.

Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya announced that the lifeless body of 8-year-old Narin Güran was found.

Minister Yerlikaya shared the following information on his social media account:

“Unfortunately, the lifeless body of our daughter Narin, who went missing in the Tavşantepe Neighborhood of the Bağlar district of Diyarbakır, was found by our Gendarmerie teams. I pray to God to have mercy on our daughter Narin. May she rest in peace. Our condolences.”

Narin’s lifeless body was found in Eğertutmaz Creek

When her family reported the situation to the authorities on August 21, an operation was launched to find 8-year-old Narin Güran. A 55 square kilometer area was searched using sensitive-nosed dogs and underground and underwater imaging devices.

On the 19th day of the work, the lifeless body of 8-year-old Narin was found in the Eğertutmaz Stream near the village.

As part of the ongoing investigation into the incident, Narin’s uncle, SG, was previously arrested.

An investigation was conducted in the area

An investigation was carried out by teams in and around Eğertutmaz Creek. The body of Narin Güran, who was found in the search conducted in the area in question, was taken to the Diyarbakır Forensic Medicine Institute morgue for an autopsy after the investigation at the scene.

Diyarbakır Governor Murat Zorluoğlu also came to the region and made inspections.

An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was also used to investigate the area.

As part of the measures taken, gendarmerie teams are not allowed to enter the Tavşantepe Neighborhood.

“He was found in a sack by the stream”

Diyarbakır Governor Murat Zorluoğlu, together with Provincial Police Chief Fatih Kaya and Provincial Gendarmerie Commander Major General Selçuk Yıldırım, reminded at the press conference held at the Governor’s Office that Narin Güran, who resides with her family in the Tavşantepe Neighborhood of the central Bağlar district, has been sought as missing since August 21.

“Since the news of the missing person was received, search activities have been continued meticulously until today with the coordination of our Provincial Gendarmerie Command, especially our gendarmerie, AFAD and police expert personnel, and with great effort by many public officials,” said Zorluoğlu, adding that on the other hand, studies on the judicial aspect of the issue were being carried out under the coordination of the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office.

“The body of our missing daughter was found by our expert gendarmerie, JAK and JÖH teams”

Zorluoğlu, who stated that today, a gendarmerie search and rescue team coordinated by the Provincial Gendarmerie Command, two underwater rescue teams, two gendarmerie special operations teams, two commando teams, a tracking dog, two cadaver dogs, a search and rescue dog, a drone and two underground imaging devices conducted a search in the Eğertutmaz Stream passing close to the neighborhood, noted the following:

“The missing child Narin Güran was unfortunately found dead at around 08:45 in the morning, in a sack with the clothes she was last seen wearing, hidden by stones on the bank of a stream. According to initial findings, it was understood that after the missing Narin Güran was killed, she was put in a sack and brought to the bank of the stream, placed in the water with the sack on the bank of the stream, and covered with tree branches and stones in a way that would not arouse suspicion and to give a natural appearance. As part of our work to re-search all previously searched areas, this area of ​​Eğertutmaz Creek was searched again and the body of our missing girl was found by our expert gendarmerie, JAK and JÖH teams.

We pray to God to have mercy on our daughter. Our condolences.”

Governor Zorluoğlu, in response to questions from journalists, reminded that the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office had a confidentiality decision on the matter and stated that they would not be taking questions for this reason.

Zorluoğlu added that the press and the public will be informed about the developments as needed.

“We will follow the process”

Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz announced that they will follow up the process to ensure that those responsible for the death of 8-year-old Narin Güran receive the harshest punishment.

Yılmaz, in his post on his social media account, noted the following:

“The sad news of our child Narin Güran who went missing in Diyarbakır Bağlar deeply saddened us all. I pray to God for mercy on our child Narin. As a result of the investigation that has been carried out meticulously since the first moment of the incident, we will be following the process so that those responsible receive the harshest punishment before justice.”

“Those who are responsible for the death of our delicate daughter will be held accountable”

Justice Minister Yılmaz Tunç announced that the investigation launched by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office into the death of Narin Güran, who went missing in Diyarbakır and whose lifeless body was found today, is being carried out meticulously and from various angles.

Minister Tunç made the following statement on his social media account:

“The sad news of our daughter Narin Güran, who went missing in the Tavşantepe Neighborhood of the Bağlar district of Diyarbakır, deeply saddened us all. I pray to God for mercy on our daughter Narin. The investigation launched by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office from the very beginning of the incident is being carried out meticulously and from multiple perspectives. Those responsible for the death of our daughter Narin will be held accountable before justice.”

“As the Ministry, we will personally follow the process”

Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş announced that they will personally follow up the process to ensure that those responsible for the death of 8-year-old Narin Güran, whose lifeless body was found, receive the harshest punishment.

Minister Göktaş made the following statement on his social media account:

“Unfortunately, the lifeless body of our child Narin, who went missing in Diyarbakır Bağlar, has been found. Our condolences. May our child Narin rest in peace. As the Ministry, we will personally follow up on the process so that those responsible receive the harshest punishment.”


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