Decoding Korea: Korean digital and contemporary art is on display at the Grand Palais Immersif

Decoding Korea: Korean digital and contemporary art is on display at the Grand Palais Immersif
Decoding Korea: Korean digital and contemporary art is on display at the Grand Palais Immersif

The Grand Palais Immersif immerses us in contemporary digital art from Korea, with the free exhibition Decoding Korea, to be discovered from July 26 to August 25, 2024.

This summer, the Grand Immersive Palace offers us a trip to Korea. More precisely, the digital art center invites us to discover the universe of 10 Korean artists, in a unique and free exhibitionpresented from July 26 to August 25, 2024.

The exhibition Decoding Korea therefore gather 10 contemporary artists from Korea, who tell their daily lives, their fears, their hopes, the developments in their country, through original immersive digital works. The exhibition route mixes virtual reality, artificial intelligence (IA) and mapping to fully immerse ourselves in this Korean culture from the ends of the world.

Born between the 1960s and the 1990s, the artists in this exhibition have witnessed significant changes. Politics, war, cultural and technological revolution: in just a few decades, Korea has been profoundly transformed.

In this exhibition of Grand Immersive Palacethe artists therefore tell the story of the tensions between North and South Korea, the industrialization and new technologies which have changed the country, the uncertainty of an unknown and unpredictable future, the ecological or social changes which are changing habits …

Korea reveals itself in all its wealth, ses contradictions, its complexity through the works of these contemporary artists. The creators highlight both their history and their modernity, while highlighting their talent, their creativity, their unique worlds.

This summer, come and “decode Korea” with the digital exhibition of Grand Immersive Palace.



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