Paris 2024 Olympics: Arielle Dombasle says she is “ready to swim in the Seine” and defends Anne Hidalgo

Paris 2024 Olympics: Arielle Dombasle says she is “ready to swim in the Seine” and defends Anne Hidalgo
Paris 2024 Olympics: Arielle Dombasle says she is “ready to swim in the Seine” and defends Anne Hidalgo

She will carry the Olympic flame when she arrives in the capital on July 14 and will perform her new single Olympics for this special occasion. Arielle Dombasle was the guest of the show Le Buzz TV on TV Magazine and Le Figaro, this Monday. During the show, the actress answered a question from the last guest: Jérémy Michalak.

The television producer questions him: “Hello Arielle. I learned that you were going to carry the Olympic flame during the Olympic Games. I asked myself another question: are you ready to swim in the Seine? You who have a mermaid name, is that part of the projects? »

“We are not going to poison all our athletes”

I really like the question. I’m ready to swim. » replies Arielle Dombasle. ” Why not. I am a great swimmer. I have always swum and I swim whenever there is a river. Even a puddle, I throw myself in » she said with humor.

But isn’t the puddle cleaner than the Seine, that’s the question we must ask ourselves? » replied journalist Damien Canivez. “IIt seems to me that there really was a whole extraordinary purification system. It’s not the whole Seine, it’s a loop of the Seine that will be purified. I’m sure there are many engineers and physicists who have looked into this question. We are not going to poison all our athletes by extending them into the Seine. Yes, I am obviously ready to dive into it » she concludes.

Arielle Dombasle’s appeal

Let Paris be a party. Arielle Dombasle is against the bashing of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. It’s rare to hear people excited about the Olympics » underlines the Buzz TV journalist.

I find that we hear so much criticism about Anne Hidalgo and the fact that we can no longer drive. But no. (…) I take the car and I hear in the worst traffic jams and I am furious like everyone else. » she says but Arielle Dombasle believes that it is necessary “ exceed that. »

It’s still extraordinary. The whole world comes to this capital of beauty, this capital of lights that is France. People come with so much emotion, so much desire. It’s an amazing celebration of all countries, there aren’t many. And this humanity which is there, with physical forces which clash, it is of such beauty. I find that we must glory in being happy, it is an extraordinary moment that we are going to experience » she concluded.



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