“I’m up, I’m doing great!” : Gilbert Montagné reassures after his fall from stage

“I’m up, I’m doing great!” : Gilbert Montagné reassures after his fall from stage
“I’m up, I’m doing great!” : Gilbert Montagné reassures after his fall from stage

Gilbert Montagné had a spectacular fall during a concert last Saturday in Seine-et-Marne.

Filmed by a spectator, the sequence was looped on the networks, causing public concern.

In a video message posted on Instagram, the 72-year-old singer reassures about his state of health.

The sequence went viral. In concert last Saturday in Saint-Pathus, in Seine-et-Marne, Gilbert Montagné fell into the pit when he had just danced on stage with a spectator. While his fans were worried about his health, the 72-year-old singer sent them a video message on Instagram this Monday afternoon.

I’m up, I’m doing great!“, he assures, a small bump on his forehead. The interpreter of “Under the Sunlights of the Tropics” explains that he is used to bringing a spectator up to dance with him on “I Wanna Dance with Somebody ” by Whitney Houston. Saturday night, it’s young Rachel, “nice as anything“, who joined him.

We danced, we raved on stage“, he says. “And then I said to her ‘take me back to the piano’ but she probably didn’t hear me. It’s absolutely not her fault. And in fact I fell two meters. And it could have been very serious“, admits the artist who lost his sight when he was still a baby, victim of retinopathy.

Gilbert Montagné explains that he went back on stage after a minute and said “the rest of my show with great energy, thanks to my audience and my musicians who were in tears“, he explains. “What I don’t understand is that the person who filmed this fall didn’t film the moment when I got back on stage. I would have liked. Because that’s my victory.”

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    Gilbert Montagné falls heavily from the stage in the middle of a concert

Legend of French variety, the singer concludes by thanking his fans for their many messages of support and invites them to see him for his next show. It will be next Sunday at Printemps de Perrouge in Ain, one of his many concerts planned this summer throughout France.




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