Meghan Markle: 9 beds, 15 employees… Revelation on the expensive maintenance of her Montecito villa

Meghan Markle: 9 beds, 15 employees… Revelation on the expensive maintenance of her Montecito villa
Meghan Markle: 9 beds, 15 employees… Revelation on the expensive maintenance of her Montecito villa

Nestled in Montecito, Meghan and Harry’s villa is a true palace. With its nine rooms, its library, its office, its spa, its gym, its games room and even its wine cellar,
the property has no shortage of assetsexplain
The Mirror. Add to this a plot of land of more than two hectares including lush gardens, a tennis court, a tea room, a children’s playhouse, a swimming pool and a garage that can accommodate five cars.

If this little paradise has everything to make you dream, its maintenance is far from being an easy task. This was revealed by Eric Bramlett, real estate agent and owner of the luxury company Bramlett Residential, to the British newspaper The Sun. According to him, managing a property of this scale requires colossal resources and significant staff.

A large staff and hefty bills to say the least

To maintain their lifestyle, Meghan and Harry would thus employ ten to fifteen full-time people. Housekeeping, housekeeping, private chefs, gardeners and security guards are just some of the staff needed to keep the estate running smoothly.

Obviously, these employees have a cost and their salary represents a significant part of the couple’s budget. Added to this are electricity, water, garden and house maintenance bills, not to mention security costs.
In total, the annual bill could easily reach several hundred thousand euros.

How much is the couple’s fortune then?

Fortunately for them, Meghan and Harry have a comfortable fortune which allows them to cover these staggering expenses.
According to the celebrity press, their combined net worth amounts to 55 million euros.

Their departure from royalty and reimbursement for the cost of renovating their former British residence, Frogmore Cottage, does not appear to have dented their financial situation. Since their installation in the United States, Meghan and Harry have multiplied lucrative contracts with giants like Netflix, Penguin Random House and Spotify.

Meghan’s acting career has been lucrative and Harry enjoys a nice inheritance

Before joining the royal family, Meghan Markle was an accomplished actress and her role in the series Suits brought him approximately 42,000 euros per episode. As for Harry, he also benefits from a solid heritage. The Queen Mother left him a substantial sum upon her death and he received a significant portion of a trust created by his mother, Princess Diana..

Prince Harry is therefore not to be pitied and his financial future seems assured. It remains to be seen whether these revelations about their lavish lifestyle will not tarnish the couple’s image with the public..



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