Marianne James loses subscribers after speaking against the RN then explains herself in a video that causes a lot of noise

Marianne James loses subscribers after speaking against the RN then explains herself in a video that causes a lot of noise
Marianne James loses subscribers after speaking against the RN then explains herself in a video that causes a lot of noise

Since the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly, France is more divided than ever. Faced with the rise of extremes, many artists have decided to come out of the silence to express their political opinion. Marianne James notably published a photo on Instagram, sparking a wave of hateful comments which she was not used to. The singer wanted to respond to Internet users, after a good number of them unsubscribed.

Marianne James certainly did not think she would unleash passions with her publication. On the sidelines of a drawing of an American soldierthe former juror of New star wrote : “How can so many fellow citizens be so “forgetful”? Follow exactly in the footsteps of those who threw Europe into hell and France in shame…? ». This message is aimed directly at far-right voters which she describes in hashtag “low ceiling”of “stupid” or even hay-eating beasts ».

Marianne James takes a stand against the RN

This post controversy earned him a rain of insults and a significant loss of subscribers. Despite this, the 62-year-old woman wanted to react in a new video. “Hello friends, have you seen my last post? The number of reactions, the number of reviews, I got smashed by very, very angry people”, she says. The latter recalled that she was free to say what she wanted on her social networks.

In her first publication, Marianne James did not aim at any political party clearly. This time, if there was still any doubt, the singer was very clear: she will not vote for the National Rally. “He has changed, it’s true, he has a younger cuthe is fresher, he knows how to wear suits, he knows the networks well, he knows how to take selfies, he’s friendly as hell »she explains.

Marianne James treats RN voters “ignorant »

A description by Jordan Bardella, president of the RNwhich she concludes with: “The devil is in the details”. Marianne James also indicated that the RN, despite appearances, was taking “its roots in fascism and collaboration ». The latter also asserts that only ignorant people » don’t know it.

Finally, the actress had a thought for those who decided tostop following her on social networks following his taking a position. “Phew! We breathe better »she rejoiced, showing a big smile.



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