Death of Françoise Hardy: time to say goodbye during a ceremony in Paris this Thursday

Death of Françoise Hardy: time to say goodbye during a ceremony in Paris this Thursday
Death of Françoise Hardy: time to say goodbye during a ceremony in Paris this Thursday


Editorial Paris

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June 20, 2024 at 9:17 a.m.

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Loved ones and admirers will come to say goodbye this Thursday, June 20, 2024 at the Père-Lachaise cemetery to Françoise Hardy, who died at the age of 80, before perhaps a burial in Corsica, where the man with whom she formed a legendary couple lives, Jacques Dutronc.

Also read: Death of Françoise Hardy: From the 9th arrondissement to the 16th, these places in Paris where the singer lived

“Mom is gone”

“We will meet in the Dome room of the crematorium of the Père-Lachaise cemetery (…) from 3 p.m.,” wrote in the Figaro notebook Jacques Dutronc, her husband of whom she was separate but not divorced for years, and their son Thomas.

Also a musician, it was he who announced the death of the idol of the yéyéperformer of hits like All the boys and girls Or How to say goodbye to yousubsequently reproduced in English.

Under a photo of him and his mother, Thomas Dutronc wrote a sober “Mom is gone” on the evening of June 11 on social networks.

Two days later, he returned to the stage during a poignant concert in Pas-de-Calais. “In England, we say “elephant in the room” (the huge subject we avoid talking about, Editor’s note). (…) We cannot translate into French but, for me, my “elephant in the room” is the departure of my mother towards other skies,” he said modestly, in front of an emotional audience.

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The singer of So many beautiful things had expressed the wish to be “cremated in privacy and without religious ceremony” in Corsica, according to the weekly Paris Match. More precisely to Monticellowhere Jacques Dutronc lives and where she also had a house.

No request for burial of ashes in the cemetery had been made at the beginning of the week, Monticello town hall said, questioned by theAFP. There remains the option of scattering of ashes in nature or the placing of the funeral urn on a grave on private property.

Committed to the right to die with dignity

Emblematic figure of sixties with a fading voice, Françoise Hardy had been waging a battle against illness for many years. Cancer appeared in his life in 2004, taking several forms and causing him an ordeal.

The artist thus admitted to Paris Match in 2023 that she wanted “ leave soon and quickly, without too many challenges, such as the impossibility of breathing.”

She had spoken out in favor of right to die with dignity and had written a letter to this effect published at the end of 2023 in La Tribune Sunday.

The artist, with his assumed melancholy, conquered the Anglo-Saxon public in the 1960s, catching the eye of Mick Jagger And Bob Dylan. She was also the only Frenchwoman in the ranking of the 200 best singers of all time by the American magazine Rolling Stone in 2023.

Source: © 2024 AFP Paris (AFP)

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