Hélène Ségara begins a new career as an actress: this cult series which welcomes her

Hélène Ségara begins a new career as an actress: this cult series which welcomes her
Hélène Ségara begins a new career as an actress: this cult series which welcomes her

She is already sworn to “ France has an unbelievable talent » on M6, since 2015. Hélène Ségara adds a string to her bow, from June 19, 2024. The singer continues her collaboration with the channel, which offers her a role in its famous series “ Scenes of households“.

Hélène Ségara was recruited for this crazy project for the music festival. In this issue, we will also find other singing stars, like Sheila and rapper Seth Gecko. She plays her own role on screen and spoke about this project.

Hélène Ségara, actress for a day

About this new challenge, the interpreter of “I love you goodbye » assured Télé Loisirs: “ I really had a lot of fun”. She starred opposite Liliane and José (namely Valérie Karsenti and Frédéric Bouraly), in the episode that fans will discover this evening. And to our colleagues, the ex-Esmeralda of Notre-Dame de Paris admits: “ I was apprehensive because I had done several concerts and television appearances at that time. I had little time to prepare and I was very tired.”

Ultimately, it was thanks to her more experienced colleagues that Hélène Ségara succeeded in this challenge: “ Frédéric Bouraly and Valérie Karsenti are great professionals who gave me confidence” she congratulates in fact. And to add: “I felt at home with them“. The star recalled: “ They improvised, and it made the shoot very lively. It was difficult to keep a straight face, there were lots of laughs! They are great“.

“Household Scenes”, the sequel?

And to add: “ At one point, Liliane’s character is overwhelmed by her emotions, and she is very directive with me so that I sing in a certain way. (…) It was very funny ! This sketch is also very well written because it resembles me. I am very patient, but at some point when people irritate me, I remain polite, but I leave. These are situations in which I have already found myself“.

Will we see her again in the series after this episode? “ It would be with great pleasure » assures Hélène Ségara.



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