“It’s crazy”: Arthur deplores the French’s relationship with money and criticizes “the morons of LFI”

“It’s crazy”: Arthur deplores the French’s relationship with money and criticizes “the morons of LFI”
“It’s crazy”: Arthur deplores the French’s relationship with money and criticizes “the morons of LFI”

Arthur was the guest of the Génération Do It Yourself podcast, put online this weekend. In this long interview – almost two hours – with Matthieu Stefani, the host and businessman discussed the French relationship with money, significantly different from that of Americans.

We have a terrible relationship with money “, he says, explaining that the show “Who wants to be my partner?” » is called “Shark Tank” (“the shark aquarium”) across the Atlantic. “ That’s the side, ‘you want to get into the business, expect to be in front of sharks who are going to eat you‘”, he explains.

“People are quite envious”

The only country in the world where you don’t know the salaries of athletes is France. In the United States, they barely put it in their business card. continues the producer of numerous shows broadcast on television. “We have a very particular relationship with money, a relationship with envy, people are quite envious “, he says.

In the United States, when they see a nice car, they tell themselves that one day they will have the same one. In France, we say to ourselves ‘one day I’ll have yours’, or we’ll scratch it from you… “, regrets Arthur, who finds this “ Shame “. “ I was reading the controversies about Bernard Arnault, where everyone, well, especially the idiots from LFI, got into him. But the guy creates tens of thousands of jobs, he promotes France throughout the world and that’s how we thank him? That’s crazy. But it’s French… »

The host had criticized a Forbes ranking

This is not the first time that Arthur has criticized the members of La France Insoumise. In January, the host criticized a ranking from Forbes magazine, which included MEP Rima Hassan. “ If you want to be in the next Forbes France ranking, the easiest way is to advocate Hamas terrorism and be a patent anti-Semite”Arthur wrote on his Instagram account, about the 32-year-old Franco-Palestinian.

The person responded, emphasizing the “sexism and racism of this boomer”.



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