Meghan launches new products from her brand

Meghan launches new products from her brand
Meghan launches new products from her brand

While the British royal family played the union card during the highly anticipated Trooping the Color in London, Meghan sent new products from her brand to her loved ones. And it’s pretty dog-ish!

Small reminder needed. 2024 began for Meghan with the almost fanfare launch, in March, of her product brand American Riviera Orchard. A brand full of promise labeled organic, embellished with a mysterious presentation film where the Duchess of Sussex revealed herself at home, in a blurred setting, in an elegant dress, worthy of the biggest events at Buckingham Palace. While preparing wonderful red fruit jams made by him. Enough to tempt people who want to treat themselves to these delicate nectars and more if they like. The most if affinities has been a bit long overdue, but that’s it, the rest of the products imagined by Prince Harry’s wife has finally arrived.

Raspberries and doggies

Meghan, who according to those close to her “is impatient to share her style and the things she likes”, has also chosen a timing, let’s admit, a little risky to announce this happy news. Since in fact, the mother of Archie and Lilibet has chosen to reveal the rest of her marketing program this June 17. Even though the Windsor family, in close ranks and less unwell than a few weeks ago, showed encouraging signs of better health during Trooping the Color…

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So, after the numbered strawberry jams, she highlighted not one but two new products: still jam but this time with raspberry and dog biscuits in the shape of bones to gnaw on, delivered in a glass container , stamped with the acronym of his company. And soberly called “Dog Biscuits”. To the delight of her dog Nina Iggy, model for the occasion! Meghan, all around, proves that yes, she is no limit in her project which brings together all the things that are close to her heart – all the things that fascinate her.

Not enough for royal correspondent Richard Fitzwilliams who recently indicated in the columns of Mirror that: “Meghan’s lifestyle brand didn’t generate much enthusiasm among the stars when she sent fifty samples of strawberry jam to influencers last March. She got very little support.” The “man’s best friend” effect will bring him more. Who knows ?

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On his side Daily Mail understands that a new cooking show featuring her could soon land on Netflix with which she has concluded a multi-million dollar agreement. Indiscreet people have also declared that her brand would also (one day) include a book, a blog, etc. In short, one thing is certain: there is still plenty to do for a woman with a decidedly overflowing imagination.



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