Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella can count on the support of a French reality TV star: “France for the French”

Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella can count on the support of a French reality TV star: “France for the French”
Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella can count on the support of a French reality TV star: “France for the French”

Next legislative elections leave no one indifferent. French political life is in full restructuring. The French will have to decide on June 30 and July 7, and in the meantime many public figures have already taken sides. Marion Cotillard, for example, called for blocking the National Rally. She was joined by Marcus Thuram, the player of the French football team. And politics has even made its way to YouTubers. Squeezie also invited his subscribers to reject Jordan Bardella’s party.

The positions taken in favor of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella are, however, rather rare. This is why the intervention of a former participant in the‘reality TV-show The Princes and Princesses of Love 4 surprises. This candidate converted to adult films surprised Sam Zirah during their interview on his show In complete privacy from Saturday June 15.

Mathieu Dor supports Jordan Bardella

Matthew Dor became known to the public in 2021 as a candidate in The Princes and Princesses of Love 4. He has since taken a 180 degree turn by launching into the X cinema industry. YouTuber Sam Zirah invited him to come back to his atypical career, but this aspect of the interview was completely eclipsed when the host asked him his voting intentions for the next legislative elections.

Mathieu Dor responded without hesitation: ” The National Front, France to Frencheverything for Marine ». An incredulous Sam Zirah then asked him if his answer was a joke. The opportunity for the actor to confirm his positions. “I am very serious, I am very serious, you know I have no taboo, people who do not assume their political opinion are their business. I see, I can vote for two elections, I voted for Marine Le Pen every time. »

Seeing Mathieu Dor’s enthusiasm for supporting the National Rally, Sam Zirah questioned the former prince of love to find out if he was a fan of Jordan Bardella. Mathieu Dor responded in the negative. “I’m a fan of no one, I’m a fan of myself. But no, I’m not a fan. I admire his talent because he’s someone who gets a lot of trouble. Logical given the light it captures. »

Mathieu Dor sees Marine Le Pen as future President of the Republic

The interview between the two men then deviated a little from politics when Sam Zirah asked his guest if he found the RN candidate sexy. Mathieu Dor responded as he did during the entire interview, without false modesty. “I don’t look at guysI don’t look at guys so he’s a handsome man, we can’t deny that”. This aesthetic aside lasted only a minute, Mathieu Dor immediately adding that he would see Marine Le Pen as future president: ” Whatever happens, it will be Marine who will present herself because she has her role, she is president. »

Although he defends Jordan BardellaMathieu Dor sees him as still being a little too green for the presidency of the Republic. “He still remains an outsider, he has what, he has four, five, six years on the political scene, no more, so he played his role very well. » The former reality TV candidate then rejected the accusations of racism that we sometimes associate with RN voters: ” absolutely not “. He then concluded with a little dig at those who do not vote like him. “I rather think that the people who do not support it is thatthey are blind, deaf and mute because after a while it’s factual, just open your eyes. »



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