The duo Manu Kdé-Max Lauret brings “Mon Vieux Papa” up to date

The duo Manu Kdé-Max Lauret brings “Mon Vieux Papa” up to date
The duo Manu Kdé-Max Lauret brings “Mon Vieux Papa” up to date

Manu Kdé and Max Lauret, who celebrated his 40th musical career last year, reinterpret “Mon Vieux Papa” as a duet. Coincidentally with the calendar, the re-arranged Sega hit, well known to Reunion Islanders, is released on this symbolic Father’s Day (Photo Manu Kdé)

These two have music in their skin and are totally in harmony… One celebrated four decades of career in 2023, the other at just 35 years old, has already been well established in the local musical landscape for fifteen years now . Max Lauret and Manu Kdé or when two generations of singers unite on a title well known to the Reunionese, and around thirty years old, which highlights the beauty of the Creole language and the beautiful Reunionese family values.

Max and Manu have in fact brought up to date “My Old Papa”, which, by chance of the calendar, is coming out right on the dot on this Father’s Day Sunday.

In the pipeline since the end of last year, the project took shape and form through meetings between the two artists, the time for them to put down their respective voices and carry out the various musical arrangements desired by Manu Kdé, who beyond that, believes that this meeting seemed obvious: (re)promoting a zarbutan and above all singing together a bit like a father and his son, even if the two have no family ties.

On the arrangements side, the lyrics, the melody, the themes of the intros and the solos have been preserved, the change occurs in terms of the acoustics, all fresh, soaring and powerful to draw the listener with a lot of emotions into this magnificent text signed Christian Lauret, lyricist in particular for Dominique Barret and Manu Kdé, who sees the rearrangement of “My old dad” as a fair return of things.

“Max Lauret accompanied me on guitar on the models of my first album in 2009. He is someone whom I respect enormously and who has always inspired me. For his part, he is very happy to see that the The old and the new generation still appreciate his songs even if we sometimes have different visions, that’s the whole point of working with someone who has crossed generations with hits that have been part of the local musical heritage for years. years and because we are also united by the unconditional love of music and by beautiful family values.

Beyond that, “Mon Vieux Papa” marks the very first duet of Manu Kdé’s young career, who sees it as a wink from the universe and why not the first in a long series: “music is is a sharing, the opportunity presented itself with Max and I remain open to any possible duo with him or someone else.

At a time when there is a lot of talk about recycling in many areas, some could criticize Manu Kdé for making something new out of something old. A reflection that he takes with humor and perspective.

“This song is timeless for me and is part of the Séga monument. It is neither old, nor old, nor new, it just has the merit of existing and I think that in music, we have every right to cover well-known pieces, to redo arrangements, as long as it remains in line with your values. But above all, it’s a way to rediscover the song and to hear the lyrics clearly while emphasizing our respective voices to reach people. people and soften morals, moreover in the current context I believe that it is our role as artists to make people dream. If we succeed, with a pretty song, we have won everything. , underlines Manu Kdé who does not rule out the possibility of performing on stage one of these days, why not in the company of Max Lauret.

Note that the cover of “Mon Vieux Papa” is already playing on local radios and that at the same time, a clip will also be available this Sunday morning, to be discovered via Manu Kdé’s Facebook page.

vw/ / [email protected]

Reunion Island News, Culture



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