Johnny Hallyday: his daughter Laura Smet never returned to her grave, she reveals why

Johnny Hallyday: his daughter Laura Smet never returned to her grave, she reveals why
Johnny Hallyday: his daughter Laura Smet never returned to her grave, she reveals why

Friday June 14, France Info revealed the astonishing meeting of Laura Smet with Nelly, a big fan of her father Johnny, aged 73. The rocker’s eldest daughter shared a powerful moment with this retiree who followed the artist’s career with limitless admiration. During the exchange, marked by conviviality, but also emotion, the half-sister of David, Jade and Joy agreed to talk about the last moments when she saw the singer, after his disappearance.

Asked about the outfit worn by Johnny Hallyday to rest in peace in his coffin, Nathalie Baye’s daughter explained that he had a black suit, a white shirt and was “haired as usual”. Laura Smet, in her turn curious, asked Nelly if she had been able to go to Saint-Barthélemy to pay a final tribute to her dad, by visiting his grave. The fan indicated to her interlocutor that despite her “deep desire” to go there, it was not possible with his meager pension. As for David Hallyday’s sister, she revealed that she had not set foot there again since 2017, when her father was buried. The reason is simple, namely “because it’s far.” A flight from Paris actually lasts more than ten hours…

>> PHOTOS – Laura Smet: who are the men who mattered in her life?

A last wish she didn’t know about

Nelly took the opportunity to share a little confidence on the subject: “We fans aren’t too happy that he’s buried there.” A remark which prompted Laura Smet to indicate that she “didn’t know[t] not that he was going to be buried there” and that she is no happier with this decision: “It’s a bit far to go see him.” While the France Info journalist was worried about the turn the interview was taking, since he had promised her that they would not discuss the grave and the place where Johnny Hallyday rests, the 40-year-old actress declared : “You can keep that, because it’s true, because it goes for all the people who have had parents buried far away.” In all honesty, Léo’s mother said she did not “no idea” if it really was his father’s last wish.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

Photo credits: AGENCE / BESTIMAGE



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