“We decided to stop there”, Maxence (Secret Story) announces the end of his story with Perrine

Secret Story ended this Tuesday, June 18. It is Alexis who is the big winner after 8 weeks of confinement. But the adventure Secret Story doesn’t seem to stop there.

Indeed, since the prime of the final on Tuesday, the candidates all gathered in a roommate to extend their adventure. On their social networks, the 12 candidates no longer let each other go and share their daily lives with their communities.

Brunches, restaurants, shopping and watching the daily newspapers of their television adventure in Secret Story are on the program.

Secret Story: Maxence and Perrine, it’s over

If the rapprochement between Alexis and Zoé caused a lot of reaction on social networks, another love triangle has been at the heart of Secret Story’s daily lives in recent weeks. They are Maxence, Perrine and Lou. The trio entered the House together with a common secret: “We are the thieves of the house”, but quickly, the young man’s heart swung between the two young women.

Maxence and Perrine kissed several times, without ever making it official. But, at the same time, he admitted to Lou that he had a crush on her. On the set of the final, Perrine did not hesitate to support Lou and tackle Maxence. “ We had disagreements but now female solidarity. She’s up against three men, she deserves all the credit, she proved she’s a player, so if she wins it’s all to her credit.”she said.

About Maxence, Perrine said: I think we can admire his playful side, I don’t regret my choices. I did everything for him, I gave my all. I think it was that in a sense, I idealized a pair which increased a distance in a group which had no place to exist. There was tension with Lou that shouldn’t have existed. I realize a lot of things when watching the videos again, I really idealized a partner. » she said live on Christophe Beaugrand’s set.

This Tuesday, June 21, Maxence made revelations during an exchange with his subscribers on Instagram. To the question of an Internet user who wants to know where things stand with Perrine, the finalist answers: “ So, I went to my roommate yesterday and we talked for a long time. I apologized to her and we mutually decided to stop there. » Before specifying: “(even if she agreed much more than me). »



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