“Enter yourself my Q!” : Benjamin Biolay, furious, avenges his ex-wife Chiara Mastroianni in Cannes

“Enter yourself my Q!” : Benjamin Biolay, furious, avenges his ex-wife Chiara Mastroianni in Cannes
“Enter yourself my Q!” : Benjamin Biolay, furious, avenges his ex-wife Chiara Mastroianni in Cannes

What would a Cannes Film Festival be without a scandal? Every year, at least one feature film in official competition is talked about, for its aesthetic, moral or political aspects. And the least we can say is that 2024 is no exception to the rule.

This year, comedy Marcello Mio by Christophe Honoré who unleashes criticism. In the cast, we find Chiara Mastroianni, Catherine Deneuve, Benjamin Biolay, and Fabrice Luchini. Here, Chiara plays herself. Daughter of Marcello Mastroianni and Catherine Deneuve, she suddenly decides to slip into the shoes of her late father: dress like him, speak like him and breathe like him.

Benjamin Biolay defends his ex-wife

But on the networks, criticism is rife with regard to this film, described as being a “between-you” exclusively reserved for “bobos”. To put out the fire, Benjamin Biolay defended the actress Chiara Mastroianni, who is none other than his former wife and mother of his daughter, Anna, aged 21.

The singer and actor, who battled alcohol addiction, shared his anger in an Instagram post: “Besides my Q, this is a troupe. Other than that, this festival, with this film where I was surrounded by people I love and admire, was wonderful.”

Then to praise the merits of his ex-lover who became a friend: “Chiara is extraordinary. She plays in three languages, portrays two characters and infuses an infinite grace similar to light. Thank you to all the partners of this unforgettable moment. Bravo to Christophe Honoré, the maestro.” That’s what it says!

Marcello Mio divides criticism

But why is this film at the heart of a controversy? If some consider it as a pure gem paying homage to the 7th art, others see it as a “between-you” in which the actors look at each other’s navels and address themselves exclusively to people from the same social, political and cultural background.

Film journalist Mehdi Omaïs also shares this opinion, as he confides in a video published on the social network

Will Benjamin Biolay’s defense be enough to calm the controversy surrounding Christophe Honoré’s new film? For now, all that remains is to wait for the winners of the 77th Cannes Film Festival, to find out if this very controversial feature film was awarded the Palme d’Or…



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