Yann Arthus-Bertrand in Saint-Angel: “Come on, give me love!”

For his project The French and those who live in photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand was in Saint-Angel this Tuesday October 15 and again tomorrow Thursday October 16. Atmosphere.

“What I want is to show people who love each other. » Sitting on his wheeled chair, camera in hand and his eye glued to his computer screen, Yann Arthus-Bertrand speaks little, but just. “Come on, look at me, give me love!” THANKS “

Click clack, it’s in the box. Their baskets of mushrooms at arm’s length, Yvonne and René leave the stage, a large burlap stretched from floor to ceiling. A look at the photo that the big man took of them, a few friendly words, the promise to bring him a basket of porcini mushrooms this morning and, already, the next ones take their place.

More than 200 people registered per day

The photographer dreamed of curlers, Marion and her daughter Lou granted his wish.
Deborah, Anaïs and their mother Bernadette, all in aprons. One came from Guéret, the others from Ussel, bringing with them a potato pâté, which Yann Arthus-Bertrand will deliciously leave in the kitchen of the multipurpose room. Then, he resumes his post, a sort of benevolent Sphinx.

Corrèze is beautiful, it’s worth having Corrèze residents photographed.

Nathalie (Photo enthusiast and municipal elected official)

There is excitement around him. The five members of his photo team, plus two film crews who are making a documentary for France Télévision. And the participants in the studio who, quarter of an hour after quarter of an hour, introduce themselves a little shyly. More than 200 people registered for the first day of shooting yesterday, as many for the second today.

Hunters, firefighters or families

Alice welcomes: many families, from Saint-Angel, Ussel, Tulle or lower Corrèze; groups too, companies, associations.Yann Arthus Bertrand photographed other funeral directors. Never like those of Ussel!


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Funeral directors from Ussel, with hearse and coffin, the Côte à Côte theater company with the decor of its last show, the hunting society with its pack of dogs and the town’s firefighters, a RICE group (international dark sky reserve) from the Regional Natural Park, all the children from the school, residents of the Chirac Foundation, the football and country dance club, the Bortois animal shelter and even a sheep breeder with his ram Virus.

Everyone plays the game, comes as they work or with a stool, an animal, a piece of clothing… that characterizes them. There’s even a blonde head with curlers. “Come on, let’s act like a little girl,” appreciates Yann Arthus-Bertrand, who wanted to see some. “Are you the hairdresser?” Ah, mother, hello mother! »

What am I looking for, do you think? I don’t know, something is going on…

Yann Arthus-Bertrand (Photographer)

Virus, the super star ram

Françoise, his assistant for 30 years, improvises a placement for each of them, a staging. “Ah, there’s the sheep! And the dog with it! You know, I had bulls weighing 1,300 kg pass through the Agricultural Show, so…”

Not impressed, she guides the animal, places it, grabs it. “Come on, proud!” “, says the photographer, who slips: “What do I want?246ca501cc.jpgFrançoise, Yann Arthus-Bertrand’s assistant, sets up Jean-Marc and the ram Virus.
rche, do you think? I don’t know, something is going on…”

“Corrèze is beautiful, it’s worth having Corrèze residents photographed. It’s also a demographic project, Corréziens had to be part of it,” appreciates Nathalie. Passionate about photography, municipal elected official, it was she who contacted Yann Arthus-Bertrand’s team. “It’s going to leave them with unforgettable memories and what’s more, he’s going to leave them their photo and it’s happening in a good mood.” »

So, Virus, wise as a picture, is entitled to his minute of light.

“This France of the regions is the one I love”: Corrèze in the viewfinder of photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand

In the box

Yvonne and René (Saint-Angel). “Our daughter Stéphanie told me “You have an event in Saint-Angel, I want it, I’ve registered you! You go there with your baskets and your mushroom picker outfits.”

We have never exposed ourselves, but mushrooms have always been our passion; we were born with mushrooms and we passed this passion on to our son and he to his son. This is what we wanted to tell, this transmission from our fathers to our grandsons. We are 78 years old, we have immortalized part of our life. With Yann Arthus-Bertrand, it’s a chance. »

Stéphanie and Lou (Turenne). “We are the hairy women! Beyond being mother and daughter, there are many things that connect us, animals, creation; the illustration is the dog Paupiette. This is a rare opportunity to participate in a major artistic project; there is a playful side, a little staged, which we liked. I like the idea of ​​the team traveling to the countryside, seeing real people.df6211e267.jpgStéphanie and Lou, the “furry” mother and daughter.

That it’s part of an overall project gives it interest. And being photographed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand is not every day! We know his DNA. »

Audrey, Cleden and Henri (Saint-Salvadour and Objat). “It’s a nice experience and we love the work of Yann Arthus-Bertrand; meeting him is great. We brought a small chair, which my dad had when he was little at school, which I knew throughout my childhood and my son will use it soon…

What I like about France are its values: the land, the history, the links and the transmission. His view on ecology is interesting, it’s great to transmit these values ​​too. »

Jean-Marc and Virus (Saint-Angel). “It’s an experience like any other! Putting a small village in the spotlight, a real French village where everyone gets along well, don’t miss it! How many villages would like to be in our place, with a gentleman who is an artist? It’s like Leonardo da Vinci came here for two days. It proves that in France, there is not only the Stade de France, , the Assembly or the Bonne Mère, there are also small villages where we can do things.

And it’s not something ephemeral, it will last over time; He is already not, ephemeral, he is recognized throughout the world. »

Déborah, Anaïs and Bernadette (Guéret and Ussel). “Being a personality doesn’t happen every day. We are fans of Yann Arthus-Bertrand! As a teenager, I (Déborah) watched the show The earth seen from the skyit made me aware of ecology. And his film Humansit makes you think about life.

We love cooking, we share our recipes between mother and daughters. Cooking brings people together, especially here where you can find good products. It was nice to do it as a family, it will remain as an important memory. »8319ec2a0a.jpgThe Côte à Côte company in the setting of “The Flute Player”.

Nadine and the Côte à Côte company (Saint-Angel). “I wanted to get together, the whole team who worked on The Pied Piper, and give them a moment together. Not necessarily a moment of creation, but a moment a little apart.

It’s really a chance to participate in this project. We are honored and it’s a joy. These are special photos, because it’s a special moment. »

Marie-Noëlle, Marion and Lou (Saint-Fréjoux and Ussel). “I (Marion) said to myself that it could be funny, I found the idea original, especially to put my daughter in curlers. It’s a moment shared with family, three generations, and even four because with her curlers, Lou reminds us of Mamie Jeannette, my grandmother, who did the styling; she looks like him.

I am starting a hairdressing business at home, I wanted to put my profession forward. It could give me a little publicity too. Everyone brings what they are, that’s what’s good.

This photo will have a special place. I didn’t expect there to be so many people, that it would be so grandiose. It will remain a very good memory. »

Blandine Hutin-Mercier

Photos: Fabrice Combe



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