Exhibited in Naples: The controversy swells around a “Polichinelle” with a… suggestive shape!

Exhibited in Naples: The controversy swells around a “Polichinelle” with a… suggestive shape!
Exhibited in Naples: The controversy swells around a “Polichinelle” with a… suggestive shape!

Gaetano Pesce’s work, entitled: “You are a great thing”, is causing people to talk because of its phallic shape. The 12 meter high installation, erected in Naples and supposed to pay homage to Punchinello’s costume, is not to everyone’s taste. And the controversy is growing in all directions.

Italian artist and designer Gaetano Pesce died on April 3 in New York. What better tribute than exhibiting one of his works in Piazza del Municipio in Naples? “You are a great thing” has therefore taken up residence there and must be exhibited until December 19.

The little problem is that what is supposed to represent the Polichinelle costume in a stylized version mainly resembles an enormous penis! Obviously, the debate quickly took hold in the public arena, just like the incriminated work.

“Patriarchal dictatorship” or super publicity stunt?

Women’s associations and several citizens denounce its “brazenly phallic” character and see it as a symbol of “patriarchal dictatorship”, reports “Pragma”. So much so that an open letter was sent to the mayor asking for the “immediate removal” of the work.

Others take it more lightly, like Vincenzo Trione, one of Italy’s most respected art critics, quoted by “Il fatto quotidiano”: “To make people talk about themselves? It’s hitting the target! It almost seems like a threat of war from Gaetano Manfredi, mayor of Naples. As soon as I saw it installed, I had to laugh,” he declared on the day of the work’s inauguration.

What is certain is that the “Pulcinella”, as it is called, attracts a lot of attention and leaves no one indifferent.

It makes people laugh on the networks

Social networks are also ablaze around the controversial work of Gaetano Pesce. Contemporary art or provocation? Everyone has their own opinion.

But there are, as always, those who see it as a great opportunity to laugh. Anthology of publications seen on X:



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