Near , layout passes under the flag

Near , layout passes under the flag
Near Rennes, Brittany layout passes under the Lyon flag

Based in Vern-sur-Seiche (35), near , the point-of-sale layout specialist Bretagne agencement is changing hands. The company was bought by Patriarca Développement, a -based group active in the field of corporate real estate. The amount of the operation has not been disclosed.

Created in 2002, Bretagne agencement employs around ten employees for an annual turnover of €7 million. It works for around fifty recurring clients in the Greater West, an area in which Patriarca Développement (102 employees and €70 million in turnover) wanted to strengthen its presence.

For Bretagne agencement, this acquisition allows its founder, Jacques Travers, to ensure “the transmission and sustainability of the company”, we can read in a press release. It is also an opportunity to diversify its clientele, expand its area of ​​intervention and integrate new offers. The Lyon group is aiming for a 100% increase in Bretagne Agencement’s turnover by 2028. Jacques Travers remains with the company as general manager.



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