the school of plastic arts is set up for two years in a college

the school of plastic arts is set up for two years in a college


Fougères Editorial

Published on

September 9, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.

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“It’s a real stroke of luck.” The team of the Fougères agglo plastic arts school and Jean-Claude Rault, elected official in charge of culture in Fougères Agglomeration, are relieved.

Jeanne d’Arc-La Salle College, in Fougères, provided them with three classrooms to store their equipment and run the workshops.

At first, it was planned to build the new unit, at the Urbanists, and then move the school into the new building while the old premises were renovated. But in the end, construction and renovation were taking place at the same time and we ended up with nothing?

Jean-Claude Rault, vice-president of Fougères agglomeration.

By chance, Laurence Briandthe director of the school of visual arts, met a few months ago Alain Planchaisthe head of the college and tells him about his accommodation concerns.

“He offered to make room for us to accommodate us. We will stay here for two years, depending on how the work progresses,” says Laurence Briand.

Workshops and activities on the theme of “Leaving”

This unexpected fallback solution will allow the plastic arts school to continue its activities and in particular to provide courses given by teachers.

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We have a superb computer-aided drawing room here and we are planning many activities including courses on Indian ink and linocutting. We will have to adapt to this new environment, but we are very happy and Alain Planchais and his team have welcomed us very well.

Laurence Briand, director of the plastic arts school.

Throughout the year, many activities will be offered around the theme of “Leaving”, travel and escape. The Albert Bourgeois gallery will also be active and will have several “off-site” projects.

Open house

Open doors will allow the public to discover the places, on Monday September 9 from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Wednesday September 11, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Fougères, but also in Romagné, Javené, Louvigné and Parigné (contact the school for dates and times).

Until November, it will also be possible to visit, on Wednesday afternoons and by appointment, the caravan of the artist Patrick Serc. A real “cabinet of curiosities” which brings together many souvenirs of this sailor passionate about travel.

Fougères Agglomeration School of Plastic Arts. At Jeanne d’Arc College, 6, rue Jeanne d’Arc. Tel 02 99 94 11 13, email [email protected]

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