It is not so much Donald Trump who triumphs today as nationalist libertarianism. Just as the Soviet Union was previously mired in a deceptive Marxist ideology, the United States is now officially entering a simplistic libertarian era.
The main belief of this libertarianism is that the market is better than any state policy.
In this logic of every man for himselfsharing of wealth is excluded. That the three richest men in the United States have accumulated as much wealth as half the population of the United States is not seen as a cause of the impoverishment of this population.
On the contrary, Trump is making Americans believe that every citizen can become wildly rich, a crazy and unattainable dream.
The same logic prevails in foreign policy. Rather than teaming up with other democracies to improve the lot of the world, Trump prefers a every man for himself extreme.
Concretely, this libertarian cult will lead Trump to partially dismantle the federal state. This would give entrepreneurs a freer hand, while private companies could expand into new markets.
Likewise, immigrants are seen as unfair competitors from outside. We must therefore stop them.
Minority assistance programs are seen as unjust obstacles to the development of others. Therefore, they will have to be abolished.
Internationally, with the exception of Israel, states only have to protect themselves against others. So much the worse for Ukraine, for Gaza and for Taiwan. The United States will protect the North American continent. The others just have to make do.
-Imports are inherently unfair competition.
Global problems that require concerted action by states, such as climate change, do not fit into libertarian pseudo-logic. They are therefore rejected as fabrications.
Aggravating factors
Rather than promoting advancement based on merit, several American governments have promoted appointments based on mostly racial principles, both in institutions and in businesses. With the result of deeply disgusting the majority. It would have been better to help minorities achieve excellence targets more.
Same phenomenon in immigration. Rather than admitting immigrants according to market needs and individual merits, borders were opened following a religious logic of limitless sharing.
Dangerous effects
That the poorest end up revolting in the face of the accumulation of wealth by a handful of people does not cross the minds of libertarian ideologues who ignore the lessons of History.
The dismantling of the federal state can only weaken the United States.
Clearly, the leaders Trump has surrounded himself with are incapable of thinking about the world other than through a narrow libertarian vision. They are just as eager to act as were the leaders of communist countries.
In the long term, they will obtain results as catastrophic as those of these countries.