“STAT”: Does Eric want Rosalie’s money or is he sincere?

Since the death of Philippe (Patrick Labbé) in STAThis daughter Rosalie (Marine Johnson) receives help from her father’s colleagues and friends, but some question their true intentions…

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The latest episodes of STATsince the announcement of Philippe’s death, have demonstrated that the friends of the late psychiatrist are there for his daughter, despite the fact that they are also experiencing their own mourning.

In the episode of Wednesday January 15, we see that Rosalie has moved in with Éric (Stéphane Rousseau), after refusing to move in with Emmanuelle (Suzanne Clement), not always wanting to be with Jérémy (Robin L’Houmeau), her lover, who is also Manu’s son.

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This decision, mixed with questions from the beneficiary attendant about Philippe’s inheritance and organ donation, provokes a few raised eyebrows from the emergency doctor, who wonders if his friend is sincere in his help to Rosalie, or if he is simply present because of the large sum of money written on the check.

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Obviously, this subject does not only concern the characters in the daily newspaper, but the viewers on the other side of the screen too, because several have made it known what they think of this, and the least we can say , the question is divisive!

Here are some comments collected in the comments section on the Facebook page of STAT:

“I think he just wants to help his best friend’s daughter. Personally, if he has an idea in his head, Eric will go down in my estimation.”

“He wants $$$.”

“Eric wouldn’t hurt anyone except himself. I don’t think he has bad intentions towards Rosalie. In any case, we will all fall from great heights if the opposite happens. We love him, Eric.”

“The world just sees the negative. In my opinion, he just wants to help the daughter of one of his best friends.”

“He has an idea in his head.”

“Well… he wants to help Rosalie AND, if she gives him a little $10, he won’t refuse…”

“This character rejoices and cries with his friends. He is sensitive and attentive. I’m banking on his greatness of heart.”

«Gambler A day, gambler always!”

And you, what do you think?

Don’t miss STAT Monday to Thursday at 7 p.m., on -.




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