The testimonies collected from his loved ones reveal a sad reality: when he had barely left adolescence, his parents, in a last burst of hope, decided to send him to Europe. “It was to give him every chance to succeed in his life,” breathes one of his relatives, interviewed yesterday Wednesday by L’Observateur.
But in Europe, El. H. Modou Fall did not find the rise he hoped for. On the contrary, he quickly slipped into the abyss of vice. Absorbed by the world of marginalized people, he devoted himself to drugs and trafficking. When his parents, who remained in Senegal, heard of his fall, they tried to bring him back. But man, like a ghost escaping the influence of his progenitors, categorically refuses them. Until fate, implacable, interferes in his affairs. Arrested, thrown on a plane, he was forcibly repatriated to Senegal, but his return did not mark the end of his descent.
Back alongside his family, El. H. Modou Fall remains unchanged. He continues to multiply his escapades, often getting involved in dirty tricks, reinforcing his reputation as a crook and drug addict. An existence outside the confines, far from the laws of society, which propelled him towards the irremediable: a dizzying fall into the abyss of crime. A murder, an act as heinous as it is sordid, which continues to make headlines in Malika.
El. H. Modou Fall was placed in police custody and will be referred to the prosecution for “murder with barbaric act and attempted rape of a minor under the age of thirteen”. A predator, a killer, whose face is finally revealed after years of darkness and perfidy, as reported by L’Observateur.