Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, accused of sexual harassment, discrimination, etc.

Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, accused of sexual harassment, discrimination, etc.
Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, accused of sexual harassment, discrimination, etc.

This is an article that does not go unnoticed by the world reference of financial journalism since it is the Wall Street Journal (source here) which frontally attacks the Man of Men of Davos, namely Klaus Schawb.

This article is titled:

“Behind Davos, accusations of toxic work”

“Despite its ambitious goals, the World Economic Forum has faced numerous accusations of sexual harassment and discrimination against women and black people.

A few years ago, Klaus Schwab, the octogenarian founder of the World Economic Forum, decided that the organization needed a facelift.

So he picked a group of employees over 50 and asked his human resources chief to get rid of each one, according to people familiar with the matter. He said it would lower the average age of the workforce. The human resources chief, a veteran former World Bank executive named Paolo Gallo, refused, stressing that there had to be a reasonable explanation for firing someone, such as poor performance. Shortly afterward, Schwab fired Gallo.

And yes, it’s the same thing every time.

Do as I say, but certainly as I do.

Klaus Schwab is a kingmaker and power-maker, this over the years has given him a form of omnipotence.

Few are those who are able to use power wisely and without giving in to the abuse of power.

Always be wary of systems without checks and balances.

The counter-powers, however painful they may be, the institutions, the distribution of roles, the control bodies, ensure and allow a free, democratic and open society to remain so.

Charles SANNAT

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“Insolentiae” means “impertinence” in Latin.
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“By trying to stifle peaceful revolutions, we make violent revolutions inevitable” (JFK)

“This is a ‘presslib’ article, that is to say free of reproduction in whole or in part provided that this paragraph is reproduced after it. Insolentiae.com is the site on which Charles Sannat expresses himself daily and delivers an impertinent and uncompromising analysis of economic news. Thank you for visiting my site. You can subscribe for free to the daily newsletter on www.insolentiae.com.”



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