TV show reveals the dark soul of Giorgia Meloni’s party

TV show reveals the dark soul of Giorgia Meloni’s party
TV show reveals the dark soul of Giorgia Meloni’s party

For several months, an undercover journalist infiltrated the Roman circle of Gioventù Nazionale, filming the secret meetings of these young activists with a hidden camera. Gladiator’s handshake, shouting fascist salute “Duke, Duke”the cheer that greeted Benito Mussolini, or even “Sieg Heil”a sad slogan of Nazi Germany, racist and anti-Semitic remarks and many discussions where some of these young people regret the era of neo-fascist terrorism of the 1970s. Steeped in extremist ideology, these young activists are asked to show a moderate face in the presence of the press but during their meetings or training camps, they let loose with the blessing of certain elected officials, such as MEP Nicola Procaccini, also filmed by the hidden camera of the Fanpage journalist.

Giorgia Meloni, Queen of Italy, Kingmaker in Europe

Embarrassment and attack on freedom of the press

After fourteen days of silence, the first part of the journalistic investigation was broadcast on the eve of the G7 organized by Giorgia Meloni in Puglia on June 13. The founder of Fratelli d’Italia reacted. “Those who have racist, anti-Semitic or nostalgic feelings have chosen their party badly. These feelings are incompatible with Fratelli d’Italia, with the Italian right and with the political line that we have clearly indicated in recent years,” she growled after asking her party to take action. Before adding: “But in the seventy-five years of history of the Italian Republic, what Fanpage did with Fratelli d’Italia has never been done with other parties, political movements, or unions. This method is not journalism, infiltrating the meetings of a political party recalls methods used by dictatorships and I appeal to the President of the Republic to find out if it is legitimate.”

This attack on press freedom has provoked reactions from opposition parties. “I find it very serious that the President of the Council has found another opportunity to attack freedom of the press rather than confront what emerges from the investigation and which demonstrates a very serious problem of anti-Semitism, racism and apology for fascism in the base and youth of her party,” Elly Schlein, secretary of the Democratic Party, snapped, wondering if Giorgia Meloni would have preferred that this truth remain unknown to the general public? The National Federation of Journalists also reacted in a statement: “The Prime Minister is trying to shift the focus from her party’s fascist and anti-Semitic DNA. In a democracy, journalists make scoops by searching for information, even investigating political parties, as has happened many times in the past.”

Italy divided on anti-fascism: the government “uses a sneaky strategy, weakening acquired rights”

“Should I be driven out of my country again?”

Eighty years after being sent to the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp, Liliana Segré, one of the last Italian survivors of the concentration camps, also reacted in an interview with private television La7. “At my age will I have to go through this again? Will I have to be driven out of my country once again?” Aged 93, appointed senator for life, she is not afraid to express herself despite the numerous anti-Semitic messages she receives and which force her to live under police escort. “I believe that these excesses, let’s call them that, have always existed. But with this government, these people are taking advantage of the great power regained by the right. The right which without a doubt came to power democratically; but these people now feel authorized to speak and act in this way.”

The leaders of Giorgia Meloni’s party have promised to listen carefully to Liliana Segre’s words, but the embarrassment within the party that governs Italy is tangible.



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