“Hungary: When Democracy Totters”: How Hungarian Society Tested the Far Right… and Lost Its Freedoms

“Hungary: When Democracy Totters”: How Hungarian Society Tested the Far Right… and Lost Its Freedoms
“Hungary: When Democracy Totters”: How Hungarian Society Tested the Far Right… and Lost Its Freedoms

Arte has a great sense of timing with the broadcast of this documentary on the reign of Viktor Orban in Hungary, two days after legislative elections which put the extreme right in the lead in the poll in France.

Three women testify to the brutality of Orban’s government: Timea Szabo, an opposition MP, recounts the political battle, Niko Antal, a nurse, the destruction of public health services and freedom of expression, and Babett Oroszi, an independent journalist, narrates the destruction of the media, the takeover of the remaining newspapers and television stations, and the persecution of homosexuals. The three women are filmed by the American director Connie Field.

On the birth rate, Orban condemns the use of abortion and advocates large families whose mothers “would be exempt from income tax for life.” As with Marine Le Pen, Orban and his henchmen have worked the voters in the campaign for years.

A “story” served to the population

“They are excellent strategists: poor people, those who are in the countryside, Fidesz (Viktor Orban’s party) will give them a sack of potatoes. It’s not that they are stupid, it’s that they have nothing “, explains young Niko. They also have, explains young MP Timéa, highly rehearsed language elements, a “story” that they serve to the population, and which, served by all the radios and all the channels, ends up entering into consciences, and an ability to set their sights on opponents who bother them: Timéa was thus publicly accused of financing her campaign with drug money, she was defamed, dragged through the mud.

From the outset, Babett says, the measures destroyed democracy. By measures that may at first seem distant, when you have trouble filling your child’s plate: Orban had a new constitution voted through, as early as 2011.

He demolished democratic institutions, proclaimed Hungary a “Christian country” even though 40% of the population is agnostic, redrawn the electoral boundaries, and took control of the media, both public and private, via billionaires who owned more than 400 titles.

Deregulation of the labor market, compulsory and unpaid overtime

One morning, Babett arrived at the newspaper where she worked, and with her 90 colleagues, found the door closed: the owner had decided to close. Babett also recounts the rampant corruption of the regime, its denialism in terms of ecology. And of course, since 2015, the merciless fight against people in exile, with walls, barbed wire, electric wire, and even authorization to shoot on sight.

Now, Hungary is both an ally of Vladimir Putin, the Russian head of state, and 200 kilometers from Ukraine. And so leaves on its doorstep the poor souls who have lost everything and are just trying to stay alive. Behind these measures follow the deregulation of the labor market, compulsory and unpaid overtime, and a delusional homophobia that is well established.

On the other side, we find the incredible courage of these opponents, in the hemicycle of the Parliament, also in the peaceful and very regular demonstrations. There is Europe, too, which could play an important role, by attacking Orban in the wallet. The European deputies regularly tackle him, but there too, words are not enough. In a decade, Hungarian society has lost its freedom, and its soul. Something to think about.

Hungary: When democracy falters. Arte. 8:55 p.m., July 2, 2024.

Faced with the extreme right, don’t give up!

It is step by step, argument against argument that we must fight the extreme right. This is what we try to do every day in Humanity.

In the face of the incessant attacks of racists and bearers of hatred: support us! Together, let us bring another voice to this increasingly nauseating public debate.
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