A day in hell on RMC Story

A day in hell on RMC Story
A day in hell on RMC Story

The shocking documentary October 7, Israel Attacked by Hamas: The Story of a Massacre retraces hour by hour the bloody invasion of the Hebrew state. A film to see this Monday, July 1st at 9:10 p.m. on RMC Story.

How did 3,000 Hamas terrorists manage, in less than 24 hours, to murder 1,163 men, women and children (including 43 French), to injure 5,000 and to kidnap 252, all while committing serial rapes accompanied by acts of barbarity? The Israelis underestimated: 1. the cruelty, 2. the determination, 3. the technical and tactical capacity of Hamas “, confides the French geopolitical scientist Frédéric Encel, who intervenes during the shocking documentary directed by Yves Azeroual.

This particularly well-constructed film allows us to become fully aware of the meticulous preparation and the incredible scale of the invasion of the Hebrew state launched by the Palestinian terrorist group on the morning of October 7, 2023. It also offers a dive into the horror – essential to not forget and to prove the reality of the facts – recounted hour by hour by the survivors and their loved ones. This descent into hell is illustrated by videos shot either by the victims themselves, sometimes murdered while holding their phone in their hand, or by the terrorists.

“Death becomes a rest”

It is 6 am when, 5 kilometres from the border with the Gaza Strip, young people gathered at the Nova festival since the previous evening to dance, hear rocket fire. The festival-goers are not immediately alarmed, as these attacks are so common in Israel. But, very quickly, concern is there, and the organisers – we see them on the screen – ask the crowd to evacuate the premises.I had never seen such intense shooting. The earth was shaking“, remembers Omri, who survived after hiding for several hours in a bush. The fact remains that these rockets are only launched as a diversion.

At the same time, Hamas commandos are methodically attacking on land but also by air, via microlights, and by sea. Several military bases are attacked, but also cities and kibbutzim. At 6:40 a.m., at the Urim base, two female soldiers survive by pretending to be dead.The terrorists entered the command room and opened fire, says Ahar Atidgi, one of them.I was lying in a fetal position. I prayed they wouldn’t notice me.. » His colleague Eden Ram adds: «They machine-gunned us for several minutes.»

At 7 o’clock, at the Nova festival, the panic is terrible. Under the characteristic cracks of Kalashnikovs, the festival-goers flee, scream, die. On the screen, we see a terrorist shoot a young man half hidden under a car. We also hear a telephone conversation between a young girl and her father, who, from his home, tries to calm her down. Darine, a young woman who returned to the scene for the film, says she hid in a caravan with several other people.You hear screams, people suffering. You understand that they are raping, that they are torturing. At this point, death becomes a rest.. » Darine’s father discovered the scene of the tragedy after the fact. In front of the hundreds of half-burnt cars of the victims, he said: “It’s the Shoah, I have no other words. It’s like the piles of shoes in the camps. »

IDF surprised by scale of attack

It was not until 2 p.m. that the Israeli army forces arrived at the festival site. Rami Davidian, a heroic Palestinian who saved several festival-goers in the morning by picking them up in his car, testified to the horror of the tortured bodies, especially those of women, that he saw upon arriving at the festival site. As the day went on, the IDF, completely surprised by the scale and effectiveness of the attack, liberated, after hard fighting, the military bases, towns, and kibbutzim conquered by the terrorists. The war against Hamas was only just beginning.



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