Going on a hike, a man gets lost for ten days in the American desert

Going on a hike, a man gets lost for ten days in the American desert
Going on a hike, a man gets lost for ten days in the American desert

A hiker has survived after being lost in the California mountains for nine days, having to live on wild berries while being stalked by a mountain lion.

On June 20, Lukas McClish was rescued in the Santa Cruz Mountains in California. The hiker had spent nine nights in the wilderness and was followed by a mountain lion.

Lukas McClish, 34, got lost in the mountains about 60 miles from Los Angeles. According to CNN, the self-described “backpacker” who “is used to spending a night or two outside” got lost because of the change in scenery caused by a recent forest fire: “That’s one thing I didn’t take into consideration: it was a desert where it’s very difficult to find your way.”

His disappearance was reported by his family after five days without news. The latter would have been surprised to note his absence for Father’s Day on June 16. The authorities then mobilized 300 agents, a dog and drones to locate the hiker’s trail. He was eventually found in Big Basin Redwoods State Park, California’s largest state park, the Cal Fire San Mateo account reported on X. “There have been several reports of witnesses hearing someone “a scream for help, but the location of this person was difficult to establish,” we learned.

A pet puma

To survive, Lukas McClish went through a real ordeal, pushing him to the most extreme limits. “I had a flashlight and a pair of folding scissors, like a Leatherman tool. And that was about it.” To survive, the hiker had to drink water from his shoes and eat only wild berries. “I lost 13.7 kg in ten days,” he confided.

The man was nevertheless able to count on unexpected support. In fact, he said he was followed most of the time by a puma. Not really worried, he was able to draw positives from his presence. “I had a mountain lion following me, but it was cool. He kept his distance. I accepted him as if he was just someone watching me.”



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