British elections: West Suffolk, more conservative?

British elections: West Suffolk, more conservative?
British elections: West Suffolk, more conservative?

West Suffolk a sign of the coming Tory debacle

The constituency, which has been a Conservative preserve for 114 years, could pass into Labour hands this Thursday. Quite symbolic.

Tristan of Bourbon – Special Envoy to Haverhill, County of Suffolk

Published today at 7:29 p.m.

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Nick Timothy rises from his seat in a dark grey suit and navy tie, the colour of the Tories. “The country will elect Labour on 4th July,” he announces, as the public questioning session for the West Suffolk MP candidates draws to a close. “If I am defeated here, it means they will have a majority of 250 seats. And the country needs a strong opposition.” After being interrupted by Labour activists, who are fed up with his remarks, he calls on voters to elect him to help him “rebuild the Conservative Party”. He is warmly applauded by most of those present.



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