What are the scores of LFI, the PS, the PCF or EELV within the New Popular Front?

What are the scores of LFI, the PS, the PCF or EELV within the New Popular Front?
What are the scores of LFI, the PS, the PCF or EELV within the New Popular Front?

MAPS – The New Popular Front won 27.99% of the vote in the first round, according to the final results from the Ministry of the Interior. Discover in detail the results of the four main parties that make up this alliance.

Is there strength in unity? The four main left-wing parties presented joint candidacies under the name New Popular Front (NFP) in 546 constituencies, i.e. all of mainland France, with the notable exception of Corsica. 229 rebellious candidates, 175 socialists, 92 ecologists and 50 communists were running for deputy. After the first round, 412 are still in the running, in triangular or quadrangular duels. Among them, 163 rebels, 136 socialists, 77 ecologists and 33 communists. Others were even elected this Sunday. This is particularly the case of Manuel Bompard (4e constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône), of Elsa Faucillon (1re constituency of Hauts-de-Seine), Sandrine Rousseau (9e constituency of Paris) or Olivier Faure (11e constituency of Seine-et-Marne). At the national level, the alliance obtained 27.99% of the votes, according to the final results of the Ministry of the Interior, finishing in second position behind the National Rally but ahead of the presidential majority.

The scores of La France insoumise, constituency by constituency

No fewer than twenty Insoumis were elected or re-elected in the first round of these legislative elections. There are many in this case in Seine-Saint-Denis (Éric Coquerel in the 1re constituency, Aurélie Found in the 9eClémentine Autain in the 11e), in Paris (Sophia Chikirou in the 6e constituency, Danièle Obono in 17eAymeric Caron in the 18e) or in Marseille (Manuel Bompard in the 4e constituency). In addition to these, 163 candidates qualified for the second round. 46 were also eliminated.

The Greens’ scores, constituency by constituency

On the Greens’ side, the results are less spectacular. It must be said that Marine Tondelier’s party only presented 92 candidates in all of France. Among them, five were elected in the first round, including three in Paris. This is Sandrine Rousseau (9e constituency), of Pouria Amirshahi (5e) and Eva Sas (8e). 77 also won the right to compete in the second round next Sunday.

The scores of the French Communist Party, constituency by constituency

The French Communist Party has lost its leader. Fabien Roussel, the national secretary of the PCF, was eliminated in the first round in his stronghold in the North (20e constituency), beaten by a candidate from the National Rally. Elsa Faucillon (1re constituency of Hauts-de-Seine) and Stéphane Peu (2e constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis) were however re-elected in the first round. 33 communists qualified for the second round.

The scores of the Socialist Party, constituency by constituency

The Socialist Party places 136 candidates in the second round, according to the final results from the Ministry of the Interior. Olivier Faure, his First Secretary, is re-elected with 53.4% ​​in 11e constituency of Seine-et-Marne. Anne Hidalgo’s first deputy mayor of Paris, Emmanuel Grégoire, also won a seat at the Palais Bourbon in the first round in the 7the Paris constituency. 34 contenders from the party with fists and roses have already been eliminated.

Insoumis, communists, environmentalists and socialists had already united to form the Nupes (New Ecological and Social Popular Union) during the legislative elections of June 2022. This coalition obtained 131 deputies, allowing each of the four formations to form a parliamentary group in the National Assembly, sometimes associated with overseas elected officials.



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