The mental and parental burden of mothers remains as heavy as ever

The mental and parental burden of mothers remains as heavy as ever
The mental and parental burden of mothers remains as heavy as ever

Seven out of ten mothers feel they are under more pressure today than ten years ago.

Furthermore, they also say that they have less than an hour a day for themselves.

Benjamin Muller’s explanations in Hello! La Matinale TF1.

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A large study was carried out by OnePoll for Philips Avent on the mental workload of mothers. The observation: mothers are overwhelmed and feel much more pressure today than ten years ago. They also have much less time for themselves, so much so that they feel like they are no longer women, but only mothers. Benjamin Muller deciphers this study in Hello! La Matinale TF1.

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“Robot mode activated”

Reading, playing sports, relaxing, breathing or simply doing nothing… for many mothers, these are luxuries that they can no longer afford. “My brain has become a to do list, so I don’t forget anything and I can sit down without thinking.”sometimes it’s impossible to shower“, “I can’t wait to go back to work so I can have some days to myself because the baby is with the nanny“, testifies mothers to Benjamin Muller.

If an African proverb says that it takes a village to raise a child, in reality, mothers are alone and have little, if any, help. The reason why moms feel overwhelmed? The French live less and less close to their parents and grandparents and the family therefore helps less and less. “I have to have at most an hour to myself, around 10 p.m. I am extremely tired and robot mode is often activated“, says Mélodie, mother of three children. The study also reveals that 53% of women deprive themselves of time to take care of their baby, and 34% are more anxious than before having children. children.

The guilt of young mothers

In the vast majority of cases, it is women who have custody of the children. On the other hand, in couples who stay together, even if the men become more and more involved, the mental and parental burden falls mainly on the women. In fact, 70% of parental tasks are carried out almost exclusively by mothers, according to Ifop data. However, some women set aside time for themselves to play sports or read. On the other hand, when they take this break, they tend to feel guilty. This is what Jessica, 31, mother of two, feels when she isolates herself or tries to seek calm and silence. “I feel like I’m abandoning my family“, she confides. Also, the best gift we can give to mothers, or young mothers, is to offer to offer them an hour to watch the children so that they can take care of their children. her, breathe, without feeling guilty.

Sabine BOUCHOUL | Column: Benjamin MULLER



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