“We had 24, we have 5 left”

“We had 24, we have 5 left”
“We had 24, we have 5 left”

The mystery is solved but the problem remains for these breeders from Saint-Georges (Belgium) who only have their eyes to cry. In a few weeks, they lost almost their entire breeding of purebred cats. Since last February, they have been helplessly witnessing full-blown looting. “My wife heard noise during the night, and in the morning we had one less cat…”explains David to Belgian media DH.

“We only have our old alley cats left”

What could have decimated this breed of Siamese or Burmese cats like this? The culprit was eventually unmasked, and he is actually quite frightening.

The couple discovered it by chance, behind the house, perched near a well: He was three meters from the facade (…) We managed to advance up to 1.50 meters.”. The “he” in question had a piercing gaze, sharp claws and an imposing stature: an eagle owl, a bird of prey with a reputation as a “super predator”.

Read also : He refuses to let go of the company accommodation he has been squatting in… for six years!

The least we can say is that in this case, the intruder lived up to this reputation since he literally decimated David and Isabelle’s breeding. “We had 24, we have five left. Now we only have our old alley cats left who stay at home”.

“It’s my daughter I’m worried about.”

The couple of breeders – parents of a two and a half year old daughter – are not at peace, the owl continues to prowl: “It’s not that the animal scares me, it’s more for my daughter that I worry”concedes Isabelle.

An understandable fear but a priori unjustified: the owl only hunts at night and is only interested in small mammals, such as kittens. Which in the context of this affair, no longer needs to be demonstrated…

Chance of the news, France Live had already recently echoed a fairly similar story, this time in Côte d’Or. On April 29, an eagle owl entered a henhouse and caused panic among the hens who piled on top of each other to escape it. No less than 800 gallinaceae had perished.

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