Strengthened cooperation in the face of challenges… Decryption!

Strengthened cooperation in the face of challenges… Decryption!
Strengthened cooperation in the face of challenges… Decryption!

Since the arrival of Captain Ibrahim Traoré to power, relations between Burkina Faso and Mali have been particularly positive.

This Monday, the presidency of Burkina Faso announced that Colonel Assimi Goïta, president of the Transition of Mali, will make a friendship and working visit to Ouagadougou on Tuesday June 25.

During this first official visit, Colonel Assimi Goïta will meet with Captain Ibrahim Traoré. They will discuss the excellent cooperative relationship existing between their two nations and address various challenges, including the fight against terrorism, socio-economic development and the quest for full sovereignty for their respective countries.

Since Captain Ibrahim Traoré took power in Burkina Faso in September 2022, the Ouagadougou-Bamako axis has been strengthened. His first official outing took him to Mali.

In September 2023, Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali formed the Alliance of Sahel States (AES). This initiative aims to pool their efforts to free their territories from the forces of evil.

The presidency of Faso underlined that this meeting between the two heads of state members of the AES will also be an opportunity to strengthen the Alliance for the well-being of the Burkinabè, Malian and Nigerien peoples.

On March 7, 2024, the three countries took a new step in their rapprochement by announcing the creation of a joint military force to fight against armed terrorist groups. They also demonstrate their desire to create a federation freed from Western yoke.



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