Morocco tops Maghreb countries in the Energy Transition Index

Morocco tops Maghreb countries in the Energy Transition Index
Morocco tops Maghreb countries in the Energy Transition Index

Out of 120 countries, Morocco ranks 65th in the world in the Energy Transition Index. Published by the World Economic Forum, this report studies the current performance of energy systems in States, as well as the environment favorable to the sector. Entitled “Promoting an efficient energy transition 2024”, this publication shows that the transition is progressing, but has lost momentum in the face of growing global uncertainty.

Despite the remarkable advances in efficiency and the marked increase in the use of clean energy, the transitional dynamic has also weakened. This trend reflects the impacts of questions surrounding energy justice, in a context of rising prices, in recent years.

Energy security also continues to be tested by geopolitical risks. In the index, Morocco is rated 54.9/100. Concerning the sub-indexes, the country obtained 60.5 points in system performance, 46.5 in preparation for the transition phase, knowing that the highest figures improve the ranking.

Morocco better placed regionally

On the Arab level, Morocco ranks fifth, preceded by Qatar (50th in the world), the Emirates (52nd), Saudi Arabia (58th) and the Sultanate of Oman (62nd). In Africa, Morocco is in second position behind Mauritius (53rd) and ahead of Namibia (68th), Kenya (70th), Egypt (75th), Gabon (83rd), South Africa (84th), Angola (86th) and Ethiopia (87th).

In the Maghreb region, Morocco leads the pack, followed by Tunisia (89th) and Algeria (91st), with Mauritania and Libya not included in the ranking. Globally, the top ten places are occupied by European countries, starting with Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, France, Norway, Iceland, Austria, Estonia and the Netherlands.

The report states that despite the slowdown in innovation growth, countries like China and India are leading efforts to develop new solutions and technologies in this area. Advanced economies, as well as China and Brazil, continue to record the best performances, in addition to developing countries aligned with progress in this area.



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