“Oh my god, they’re upside down!” : 28 people got stuck upside down on a ride, 30 meters above the ground, in Portland

“Oh my god, they’re upside down!” : 28 people got stuck upside down on a ride, 30 meters above the ground, in Portland
“Oh my god, they’re upside down!” : 28 people got stuck upside down on a ride, 30 meters above the ground, in Portland

Fortunately, none of the park visitors were injured.

It was the longest half hour of their lives. Nearly thirty people were stuck, heads upside down, on a ride in Portland (Oregon, United States) for 30 minutes this Friday.

More fear than harm ? 28 people found themselves stuck in an AtmosFEAR ride, head upside down, a little more than 30 meters from the ground, in a park in Portland, this Friday, June 14, at 3:25 p.m., revealed the American media Skynews. Firefighters had to intervene.
No visitors were injured. However, one of them suffering from health problems was taken to hospital as a precaution after the ride stopped.

Witnesses at the scene were “frightened”, according to Skynews. “People were crying…I’m not a believer but I said a prayer. I thought I was going to die”explained Jordan to KTVZ, then a passenger on the attraction at the time of the incident. “We were all panicking so much.”she added, still in shock.

Firefighters had to work with Oaks Park engineers to manually lower the ride. Crews were, however, prepared to perform a rope rescue, “if necessary,” Portland Fire and Rescue said on X, (formerly Twitter).

In service since 2021, the ride had never recorded an incident until then. It will remain closed until further notice, park management said. Investigations will be conducted with the ride manufacturer and state inspectors to determine the cause of the shutdown.

“We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the first responders and our staff for taking quick action, leading to a positive outcome today, as well as to the rest of the park visitors who quickly followed instructions to leave the park in order to leave room for emergency responders to deal with the situation.declared the management of the park, in a press release published on X, the day after the event.



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