She finds her lover dead at her home without ever notifying the authorities: she steals his bank card and makes withdrawals of up to 43,000 euros

She finds her lover dead at her home without ever notifying the authorities: she steals his bank card and makes withdrawals of up to 43,000 euros
She finds her lover dead at her home without ever notifying the authorities: she steals his bank card and makes withdrawals of up to 43,000 euros

The 62-year-old man was found mummified at his home in August 2023. Found dead by his lover and abandoned in his bed, she took his bank card to make withdrawals, without ever notifying the authorities of the death of her lover.

His lover found him dead at his home and never notified the local authorities. On the other hand, she took the deceased’s bank card in order to make several withdrawals. She will be judged this Saturday by the Besançon public prosecutor’s office.

The sixty-year-old was found dead and abandoned in his bed for 16 months, Bensançon (Doubs), in a house located in the Cras district, according to the public prosecutor, Etienne Manteaux. While the garden no longer seems to have been maintained since spring 2022 and the house seems unoccupied since then, the neighbors are raising the alarm in August 2023.

Emergency services found him dead, lying on his bed, surrounded by bottles of strong alcohol. No traces of violence or blows on the body were noted, according to the autopsy report, which concluded that a natural death. His death then went under the radar of the authorities, and his lover, a 64 year old womantake the opportunity to perform up to 43,000 euros in withdrawals with the deceased’s bank card.

At the end of her police custody, the sixty-year-old will be judged by the Besançon public prosecutor’s office, for the heads of “failure to assist a person in danger“, “flight” And “scam“, to the detriment of this man’s only daughter, who had no contact with her father since 2005, and thea pension fund which then unduly paid a pension for 16 months.

Succession procedures that reveal deception

While the daughter initiates inheritance procedures with the notary, irregularities are noted on her deceased father’s account. Indeed, his card would have been used regularly for withdrawals. In total, 43,000 euros in cash were stolenbetween June 2022 and October 2023. Video surveillance images from the counters concerned reveal that the deceased’s bank card is used by a 64-year-old woman.

“I’m not a murderer”

Divorced since 2022, the woman had an extramarital relationship with the victim for many years. “One evening, in June 2022, she found her drunk lover at home, lying on the ground, and moved him with difficulty onto his bed”, reports France Bleu. It was when she returned the next day to visit her lover that she noticed his death, but preferred to keep her discovery quiet, “for fear of being suspectedshe told investigators. I’m not a murderer”.
On the other hand, she will steal the deceased’s card and will never go to the deceased’s home again.

More than 40,000… spent on scratch games

During her custody, she admits to having used the card on several occasions, “mainly to buy scratch games”she conceded, recognizing at the same time a gambling addiction. She believes she has removed “only” €2,000. An amount far from the €43,000 recorded.

The sixtieth anniversary will be presented this Saturday before a magistrate as part of a deferred appearance, which allowed the courts to request a psychiatric expertise. She will subsequently be judged before the criminal court within a period of time. two months. She doesn’t have no criminal recordreported the prosecution.



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