The French left creates a common front

The French left creates a common front
The French left creates a common front

Several parties of the French left announced on Friday that they were uniting under the banner of a common front with a view to the early legislative elections on June 30, unveiling at the same time their flagship campaign measures.

Called “New Popular Front”, this alliance of the left is made up of France Insoumise (LFI), the Socialist Party (PS), the Communist Party (PC) and the Ecologists.

The leaders of the new partisan coalition presented their program at a press conference this Friday, particularly affecting the purchasing power of the French, the economy, the climate issue and Europe.

They promised, among other measures in the event of victory, to repeal the pension and unemployment insurance reform, to index wages to inflation, to set the minimum wage and the minimum retirement pension at 1,600 euros net. , as well as meeting the climate challenge, notably with the adoption of a climate plan aimed at carbon neutrality in 2050 and the principle of the green rule.

The leaders of the French left also said they wanted to guarantee the right to housing through the construction of 1 million ecological homes over 5 years, to eliminate rental evictions and to regulate the amount of rents in tense areas.

On the political level, the electoral program of the new left alliance includes the transition to a 6th Republic, the repeal of article 49 paragraph 3 allowing the government to adopt texts without the vote of parliament, the holding of elections of the National Assembly and the Senate by proportional representation and the convening of a constituent assembly to draft a new Constitution.

At the European level, the new left front wants to reform Europe with measures such as the generalization of the taxation of superprofits at the European level, the end of free trade treaties and the reform of the common agricultural policy (CAP).

Following the results of last Sunday’s European elections, which were marked by a historic breakthrough by the National Rally (far right), President Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly and the calling of early legislative elections (1st round on June 30 and the second round on July 7).

The electoral campaign for the 1st round will begin on Monday June 17, but political leaders have already started the warm-ups, notably through announcements of alliances, like the leader of the Republicans Eric Ciotti who announced a pact with the National Rally, or the new left alliance.

On Wednesday, Mr. Macron presented at a press conference the main campaign axes of the presidential camp in view of this election.



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