G7 Summit | Pope to meet Justin Trudeau and talk about artificial intelligence

G7 Summit | Pope to meet Justin Trudeau and talk about artificial intelligence
G7 Summit | Pope to meet Justin Trudeau and talk about artificial intelligence

(Savelletri Di Fasano) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau participates in the second day of the G7 leaders’ summit on Friday, during which Pope Francis will make a special appearance.

Posted at 6:11 a.m.

Updated at 6:54 a.m.

The pontiff is expected to deliver a speech to leaders on the promise and perils of artificial intelligence.

He is also expected to renew his call for a peaceful end to Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine and the war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Leaders of the G7 countries announced on Thursday that they would provide a $50 billion loan to Ukraine using interest earned on profits from the Russian central bank’s frozen assets as collateral.

Canada, for its part, promised to contribute 5 billion to the loan.

Mr. Trudeau began Friday by meeting the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. Later, he is to meet with the Pope and the Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida.

In the morning, Mr. Trudeau participated in a working session on migration. The leaders will also hold a working lunch on the Indo-Pacific and economic security.

Migration is a priority for Italy, host country of the summit, and for its right-wing Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. The latter seeks to increase investments and financing for African countries in order to reduce migratory pressure on Europe.



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