The European Union heavily sanctions Hungary over immigration

The European Union heavily sanctions Hungary over immigration
The European Union heavily sanctions Hungary over immigration

European justice has imposed a gigantic fine on the Orbán government due to the systematic pushback of migrants at the EU’s external border.


His relentless policies on immigration and asylum have given Viktor Orban global notoriety. Today they are worth to Hungary an extremely steep fine, imposed on Thursday by the European Court of Justice: 200 million euros, to which will be added 1 million euros for each day of delay in the execution of a judgment of the Court of Justice dated December 2020.

The Magyar leader judged this decision “ scandalous and unacceptable “. For almost four years, the Hungarian government has defied European justice, which has ordered it to put an end to the systematic pushback of migrants at the EU’s external border, between Hungary and Serbia.

Read alsoEuropeans: Viktor Orban wins the election in Hungary, despite a poor performance by Fidesz

In the summer and autumn of 2015, at the height of the migration crisis on the “Balkan route”, Hungarian authorities erected 175 kilometers of wire and barbed wire fences on the Serbian-Hungarian border. The system was reinforced by a “legislative closure” the following year…

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