The RN announces the color in anticipation of the early legislative elections

The RN announces the color in anticipation of the early legislative elections
The RN announces the color in anticipation of the early legislative elections

Following the results of the European elections in France, and the large victory of the far-right party, the National Rally (RN), legacy of Jean-Marie Le Pen, the political group is already in the campaign and has attacked the Algerians , now become a target of choice.

Foreigners in France more broadly and Algerians more specifically should start to worry. The RN is already promising to send thousands of Algerians back to their territory of origin.

The first stage of the RN program concerns orders to leave French territory (OQTF) which target Algerians, who are expected to be affected by the thousands. The second should put an end to the generosity of Paris towards Algiers which made it possible, within the framework of agreements signed in 1968, to facilitate the immigration of Algerians to France and family reunification.

The measures announced by the RN essentially target Algerians, a community that has become “persona non grata” in France, not only at the political level but also at the social level. With the large vote for the ideas of the RN (former National Front), the French have clearly expressed their fed up with those they consider to be the perpetrators of theft and disturbances to public order. , burglaries, delinquency, all sprinkled with Algerian nationalist demands on French territory.

Even if the root of the immigration problem is above all the result of a segregationist policy which has prevented the integration of foreigners, and specifically of Algerians with whom colonial history has still not been reconciled, the political parties The extreme right likes to ignore the causes and only wants to deal with the consequences without taking responsibility and only having a one-sided vision of the problem.

From Monday, the day after the results of the European elections in addition to the surprise generated by the announcement by the French President, Emmanuel Macron, of the dissolution of the National Assembly, the far-right parties were already campaigning for conquest early legislative elections.

As a reminder, the list of the presidential majority led by Valérie Hayer only had 14.6% of the votes cast, a real idea of ​​the weight of the presidential party within the political landscape, the RN, an extreme party. right, for its part, came well ahead by collecting nearly 31.36% of the votes, leaving the left of La France Insoumise (LFI) behind, given that the voters for this party did not come forward for the Europeans and today they understand their mistake.

After this victory with terrible consequences for France, the party of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella quickly attacked the subject of immigration, its electoral basis, by promising to put an end to the Franco-Algerian agreements of 1968 , which gave additional rights to Algerians to facilitate their immigration. Agreements that the Algerian president, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, would like to maintain.

“On the OQTF file, we propose to abrogate the agreements which bind us to Algeria”, declared Sébastien Chenu, spokesperson for the RN in an interview on BFMTV and RMC.

“These agreements have no reason to exist today,” he added, explaining that their repeal will allow them to no longer oppose immigration law.

That “must allow Algeria to take back a certain number of its nationals”, said the RN spokesperson. The Algerian press is already fuming at this idea, and cannot help but see the consequences of this political earthquake which is coming in France and which should put an end to years of undue privileges.

“The probable arrival in power of the RN, at the end of the anticipated legislative elections of June 30, will create tensions with Algeria, on several subjects, including immigration”, The Algerian site Tout sur l’Algérie (TSA) is already planning.



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