Great success for the 8th edition of Casablanca Smart City | APAnews

Great success for the 8th edition of Casablanca Smart City | APAnews
Great success for the 8th edition of Casablanca Smart City | APAnews

The meeting which was held on June 5 and 6, 2024 at the Sacré Cœur in Casablanca was a resounding success.

The Casablanca Smart City brought together experts, decision-makers, innovators and citizens around the theme: “From the Smart Citizen to the Smart Metropolis”. For Mohamed Jouahri, General Director of Casablanca Events & Animation, this edition was crowned with success thanks to the active and enthusiastic participation of all the speakers and participants. “We managed to create a space for dialogue and innovation, where concrete and sustainable solutions for urban challenges were shared. This event reinforces our ambition to position Casablanca as a leader in smart cities,” he said.

For two days, Casablanca Smart City 2024 served as a platform for best practices and innovations in sustainable and inclusive urban development. Participants had the opportunity to discover and discuss the latest technological advances and modern approaches to urban management. Experts from around the world presented inspiring case studies and pioneering projects, illustrating how cities can combine resilience, connectivity and citizen well-being.

Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the event highlighted forward-thinking solutions to address current urban challenges such as land shortage, water stress, energy consumption and climate change. The theme of citizen inclusion and international cooperation, essential to reducing inequalities through technology, was also discussed.

The debates focused on topics such as intelligent resource management, reducing the carbon footprint and improving the quality of life in urban areas. Participants explored cutting-edge technologies relating to the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and renewable energy, key factors in transforming cities into more sustainable and efficient spaces.

Casablanca Smart City 2024 brought together nearly 960 participants and more than 70 speakers from all over the world. This remarkable attendance testifies to the recognition of Casablanca as an important player in this field. Representatives from several countries, including the Netherlands, Japan, China, Kenya, Senegal, France, the United States, India, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Argentina, Colombia and Egypt, shared their experiences and perspectives on the challenges and opportunities related to smart cities.




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