Poland turns the page on PiS – Libération

Poland turns the page on PiS – Libération
Poland turns the page on PiS – Libération


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European elections 2024 case

For the first time in almost ten years, PiS was defeated in an election. The liberals of the Civic Coalition won with 38.2%, after a campaign focused on the Russian threats weighing on Europe.

In Poland, pro-Europeans breathed a sigh of relief this Sunday evening. The liberals of the Civic Coalition (KO) won the European elections with 38.2% of the votes, ahead of the nationalist conservatives of Law and Justice (PiS), who collected 33.9%. The gap is not huge but the victory is important: it is the first time in almost ten years that the PiS has not won an election. The score also makes it possible to erase the painful memories of 2019, where the PiS with its campaign with Eurosceptic overtones crushed the competition, with 45% of the votes. For the Civic Coalition, as for its coalition partners (Third Way, 8.2% and Lewica, 6.6%), this first place reminds us that the tide is definitely turning in Poland.

The electoral match between the PiS and its eternal adversary the Civic Coalition was replayed this Sunday for the third time in eight months in Poland. In October, during the legislative elections, the PiS won a Pyrrhic victory by coming out slightly in the lead, but without being able to form a majority. It is therefore the liberal and pro-European coalition led by Donald Tusk which came to government, to put the country back on the path to the rule of law. In April, for the local elections, the result was a fo



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