Panama: shooting at a university, one dead and one injured

Panama: shooting at a university, one dead and one injured
Panama: shooting at a university, one dead and one injured

Shooting at a university, one dead and one injured

Published today at 5:38 a.m.

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Two men opened fire on a group of students on Friday at a university in southwestern Panama, killing one and wounding another, in an apparent settling of scores, Panamanian police said.

According to the first elements of the investigation, two men “fired shots at a group of people,” said deputy commissioner Hector Delgado in a video published on the Panamanian police account X. The motive, according to him, would be a settling of scores between criminal groups.

A rare event in Panama

Previously, the rector of the University of Panama had indicated “that an unknown person opened fire on a group of agricultural science students from the Regional University Center of Veraguas”, 250 km from the capital, “who were carrying out an exercise practice within the enclosure.

An investigation was opened by the prosecution. Shootings are rare in Panama, especially at universities. In 2023, 544 homicides were recorded in the country of 4.4 million inhabitants.


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