Trapped by an express flood, three friends make a shocking gesture before disappearing

Trapped by an express flood, three friends make a shocking gesture before disappearing
Trapped by an express flood, three friends make a shocking gesture before disappearing

The tragedy took place Friday afternoon in Premariacco, in the province of Udine in Italy. Patrizia Cormos, a 21-year-old Italian, Bianca Doros, a 23-year-old Romanian, and her boyfriend Cristian Casian Molnar, 25, also Romanian, were walking along the river when a flash flood surprised them. Upsetting images, filmed by local residents, show the three friends trying to hold on to each other to resist the force of the rapidly rising current, reports The Parisian. Despite their desperate embrace, they are swept away by the waves in a few seconds.

Alerted by friends, emergency services immediately went to the scene. Two helicopters, cranes, dozens of divers and drones were mobilized to try to find the three young people. But despite these significant resources, the searches only made it possible to find the bodies of the two women. Cristian Molnar’s body is still missing.

A handbag found near the scene

Bianca Doros’s handbag, containing her cell phone,
was found in a cave near where the three friends were last seen. It was thanks to this phone that emergency services were alerted.

The mayor of Premariacco, Michele De Sabata, wanted to share his “infinite sadness” on Facebook. He also insisted that victims should not be blamed. “The young people approached the shore dry and with the sun.
A few minutes later, they were surprised and surrounded by water. If they knew the river, they could have escaped. Unfortunately, not knowing the location, they lost the few seconds during which the water gained speed
“, did he declare.

The Natisone, a deceptive river

La Natisone, peaceful in appearance, hides an unsuspected danger.
Even in normal conditions, some places reach 15 meters deep and the current is powerful.. That day, a flash flood occurred, transforming the river into a rushing torrent. Alerted by the rising waters, the three friends try to escape, but it is already too late.

Heartbreaking images, filmed by local residents, show the three friends hugging each other to resist the current.
Despite their desperate embrace, they are swept away by the waves in seconds. Emergency services, alerted by a phone call, rushed to the scene, but were unable to save them.



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