Israel-Hamas War. 12 dead in Syria, Blinken exchanges with Yoav Gallant… The latest news

Israel-Hamas War. 12 dead in Syria, Blinken exchanges with Yoav Gallant… The latest news
Israel-Hamas War. 12 dead in Syria, Blinken exchanges with Yoav Gallant… The latest news

The United States said on Sunday it expects Israel to accept the Gaza peace plan, the steps for which were detailed by US President Joe Biden, if Hamas does so. This plan “was an Israeli proposal. We expect, if Hamas agrees to the proposal as transmitted to it, (namely) an Israeli proposal, that Israel will say yes,” White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told ABC News.

Read also: Israel-Hamas war: hiccups dominate to find a ceasefire agreement

The road map was transmitted Thursday evening Washington time to the Palestinian Islamist movement, Mr. Kirby said. “We are waiting for an official response from Hamas”, he added. The movement judged “ positive » the new proposal for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, associated with the release of hostages.

Friday evening, Mr. Biden announced a road map proposed by him by Israel which aims to achieve, in stages and under conditions, a permanent ceasefire. The first phase, he said, would be a ceasefire with an Israeli withdrawal from densely populated areas of Gaza for six weeks.

Blinken calls Israeli defense minister to discuss Gaza truce

The head of American diplomacy Antony Blinken called Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Sunday to discuss “ the proposal to achieve a full ceasefire” in the Gaza Strip in exchange for the release of Hamas hostages, the State Department said.

“The secretary of state praised Israel’s willingness to reach a deal and said it was up to Hamas to accept it,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said.

Syria: at least 12 fighters killed in Israeli raid near Aleppo

Deadly Israeli bombings targeted the Gaza Strip on Sunday, notably the town of Rafah, the day after an appeal from international mediators to Israel and Hamas to conclude a ceasefire, after almost eight months of war.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (OSDH), Israel also struck a factory near Aleppo, in northern Syria, on the night of Sunday to Monday, killing people there. “at least twelve pro-Iranian fighters of Syrian and foreign nationalities”.

Since the start of the civil war in Syria in 2011, Israel has struck the country hundreds of times, targeting the army of Bashar al-Assad’s regime and the pro-Iranian groups based there and supporting it.

Gaza: Israeli Defense Minister says “preparing” an alternative to Hamas

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on Sunday that Israel, while carrying out its military operations in Gaza, was in the process of “prepare an alternative government” to Hamas after the war. Mr. Gallant had already expressed in mid-May his opposition to military and political control by Israel of the Gaza Strip, where Hamas took power in 2007.

As we carry out our important military actions, the Ministry of Defense is simultaneously preparing an alternative government to Hamas.”declared Yoav Gallant on Sunday, according to a press release issued by his ministry.

During a meeting with troops near the border with Gaza, the minister described a “ frame » including “ to isolate areas » from Gaza of the presence of Hamas fighters and “ to introduce other forces which will establish the formation of an alternative power” to Hamas.

“Gaza, Marseille is with you”: thousands of people in support of the Palestinians

“Gaza, Marseille is with you”: several thousand people marched on Sunday in France’s second city to demand a ceasefire, in the presence of rebellious European candidate Rima Hassan.

The procession – 3,500 people according to the Police Prefecture, more than 10,000 according to the organizers – set off from the Porte d’Aix to the Old Port, in a sea of ​​Palestinian flags, some demonstrators being completely dressed in the colors of this flag. Like this young woman, whose t-shirt was also dotted with drops of blood, who held up this sign: “Smile, you are on the right side of history. Free Palestine.”

“The heart of #Marseille beats for peace”, launched on the social network



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